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东南西北四面八方。East, west, south and north.

大炮从四面八方齐发。Cannon volleyed on all sides.

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他们从四面八方向我压过来。They pile into me from all sides.

四面八方都能听见狼嚎声。All around we hear wolves howling.

我很喜欢来自四面八方的压力。I love the pression from everything.

人群从四面八方蜂拥而来。The crowd swarmed in all directions.

乘着风的翅膀,飞向四面八方。On wings of winds came flying all abroad.

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企鹅向四面八方跳去。The penguins porpoised away on all sides.

人们从四面八方挤过来。People are pushing me from all directions.

惊慌的人群向四面八方逃去。The panic-stricken fled in all directions.

人们从四面八方前来门罗园拜访。People came to Menlo Park from far and near.

石块朝四面八方乱飞。Stones were flying about in every direction.

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四面八方全是凄凉寥廓的旷地。On all sides there were lugubrious stretches.

这座城市向四面八方扩展了几英里。The city sprawls for miles in each direction.

而且光亮会洒向四面八方。And the light will be going in all directions.

受惊的家禽向四面八方逃去。The affrighted poultry fled in all directions.

各种主张从四面八方包围着你。Opinions are coming at you from all directions.

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我们突然从四面八方将敌人包围了。Suddenly we compassed the enemies on all sides.

一组道路从市中心向四面八方伸展出去。A system of roads radiates from the town centre.

四面八方佛是这里的又一景观。Buddha in all directions is another landscape here.