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这理由说得过去吗?Is it the right reason?

这理由说得过去吗?Is that the right reason?

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她的英语发音还说得过去。Her English pronunciation is passable.

穆迪埃、公牛三拒投、篮网,只有骑士那场还说得过去。Mudiay, the Bulls, the Nets coming back late.

我意思是,要是他们搞在一起了还说得过去。I mean, I'd understand it if they were shagging.

同理,说鸡年的“鸡”是母鸡也说得过去。Calling 2017 the Year of the Chicken would also work.

他给了一些理由,只有几个说得过去。He gave some reasons, only a few of which were valid.

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我认为,倘若把你封为使徒也说得过去。I don't think there will ever be any problem about canonizing you.

你想知道,因为烦人而解雇一个人是否在道德上说得过去。You want to know if it is morally OK to fire someone for being annoying.

如果你认为一心多用就是“注意力的艺术”时,这就说得过去。This makes sense if you consider multitasking to be "the art of paying attention.

如果你认为一心多用就是“注意力的艺术”时,这就说得过去。This makes sense if you consider multitasking to be "the art of paying attention."

所有那些谷歌前男友及检查你的eBay账户的时间其实也说得过去。All that time Googling ex-boyfriends and checking your eBay account really adds up.

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要是你的解释和证明文件说得过去,你或许就可以免受审查之苦。If your explanations and documentation look reasonable, you may save yourself some pain.

美国过去常以他们的手工制品为荣,而如今对此也只是勉强说得过去。Americans used to take pride in their craft, but today it has become about just getting by.

如果他们是全身心地投入了第二次童年就更说得过去了。If these people had jumped whole-heartedly into a second childhood it would have made more sense.

好吧,如果你必须这样做,在脸颊上轻轻一吻还说得过去,但是不要在乳酪柜台旁激情舌吻了吧。All right, a peck on the cheek if you must, but not a tongue down the throat at the cheese counter.

有人问范思坦,他以一个犹太人不顾葛德华的劝阻来支持杰克逊,怎么说得过去呢?Feinstein was asked how he as a Jew could square his endorsement of Jackson with Koch's admonition.

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摄像头还可以用来快照,后置的那个能够拍摄720p的高清视频,还算说得过去吧。The cameras can also be used to shoot snapshots, and the rear one does passable 720p high-def video.

只要他们能够提高人民生活水平,一切就说得过去,但如果哪一天他们做不到了,将会发生什么?As long as they make people’s lives better, it’s O.K. But what happens on the day when they no longer can?

考虑到这个倾向,这也就说得过去为什么我们总是不自觉的地依赖外界的约束来使自己摆脱困境。Given this tendency, it makes sense that we often rely intuitively on external rules to help ourselves out.