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少买东西。Less things.

——不戴隐形眼镜我也看得清东西啦!Without lenses.

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我喜欢我的东西。I like my stuff.

更酷的东西。More cool stuff.

看清你吃的东西。See what you eat.

这个东西真高级.This is topnotch.

东西很好!Very good, thans.

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这里需要一些策略性的东西。Be strategic here.

我喜欢这些东西!I love that stuff!

这东西有薄荷味。It tastes of mint.

很多的东西。Lots of unpacking.

而其余的都是无用的东西。The rest is dross.

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我们给他们买东西。We buy them stuff.

倩碧还有什么好东西?What else is good?

他吃起东西来像只猪。He eats like a pig.

禁止用干热的东西。Never use dry heat.

只放置你需要的东西。Only what you need.

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那的确是好东西。This is good stuff.

煎饼是什么东西?What's a flapjack ?

警句是最好的东西!Epigram is the best!