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率低,产量预计开始试办。Low rate production is scheduled to begin in FY99.

把老头子认为办不到的事来试办一下,你往往办成功了。What old people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can.

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1979年末,国家体委在北京体育学院等几所体院试办了竞技体校。Since 1979, several sports schools have been set up as an attempt in Beijing Institute of P. E.

试办独立学院是高校办学机制创新与模式改革上的一项重大突破。It is a great breakthrough to run the independent colleges on innovation of mechanism and mode reform.

所有试办过它的其他国家都背负数以十亿计的债务,而且这些国家都承认它行不通。All the other countries that have tried this, they're billions in debt , and they admit this doesn't work.

试办独立学院要贯彻“积极支持、规范管理”的原则。Principles of "vigorous support and regulated administration" are applied to the trial running of independent schools.

高校高水平运动的推广,是事在必行的,高校试办高水平运动队是一新生的事物。University high-level sports promotion, things are inevitable, the pilot high-level college sports teams is a new thing.

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规格测试于互联网和反馈,并积极寻求参与这项试办计画。DomainKeys specification for testing on the Internet and is actively seeking participants and feedback for this Pilot Program.

高等职业技术学院试办高水平运动队会给学院注入了新的活力。Higher vocational technology college injects fresh energy to the school's development by organizing the high level sports team.

一旦这二个国家试办成功后,类似活动将在世界其他地方进行。Once the success of the two-country pilot has been demonstrated, similar campaigns will be developed for other parts of the world.

知道家庭医师试办计划之民众和得知该计划是透过诊所医师的民众,较易加入家医会员。Members participated in the family physician intergraded trial plan knew this program well and got the information from primary physicians.

我国高校试办高水平运动队已近五年,有些院校成功了,也有些院校遇到困难处于进退两难的境况。It is five years for our institutes of higher learning to set up on trialing the sports teams, some of them are successful some in a dilemma.

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天津市南开社区学院组建试办一年多来,先后经历了两次重大的调整与合并。Tianjin Nankai Community College has tried to do this for more than one year when they had twice adjusted and merged the resources significantly.

1997年证券市场出现第一家券商开始试办网路下单,几年间,大部份证券商都提供了此下单服务业务。In 1997, the first securities firm began to offer online trading. Within a few years, a majority of the securities firm offers online trading as well.

访谈对象为台北县、市四所参与试办的国民中、小学校之教务主任或教学组长。The interview subjects are the dean of academic affair and head of studies section of four schools, which participate in Grade 1-9 education experiment.

现行的自由行架构下,试办期间陆客来台人数上限为每日500人,至多停留15天。Under the current framework for the individual travel program, the daily visitor quota during this trial period is 500, with the maximum stay of 15 days.

高校试办独立学院是高教改革的新探索,它的产生和发展是经济与社会发展的产物。Trial independent college is a new probe to higher education reform. It is an inevitable product of social and economic development, requires a new management model.

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随着社会经济的发展,理论界展开了在我国经济相对发达的东部沿海地区试办四年制本科层次高职教育的探讨。With the development of economy, the educationists begin to discuss whether we can begin undergraduate vocational education in developed coastal areas in east China.

80年代中期以来,在教育部和原国家体委的共同努力下,出台相关政策在全国部分高校试办高水平运动队。Since the middle of 80s, the Department of Education and the ex-National Sports Administration made the relative policy to hold the high-level sport team in some universities.

普通高校竞技排球队是高校试办高水平运动队的重要组成部分,对于高校竞技排球运动的开展起到了积极的促进作用。Ordinary university volleyball athletic teams are an integral part of the experimental high-standard sports teams, as they spur the development of volleyball athletics in universities.