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直到大海干枯水尽。Till a' the seas gang dry.

使干枯的根芽得到一点点生命的滋养。A little life with dried tubers.

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这种病害使许多果实干枯。The disease mummified many fruits.

赤日炎炎,把青草晒得干枯。The broiling sun scorched the grass.

女人是水总有干枯的一天。Women are water always have dry day.

我弯下腰拾起一片干枯的叶。I bent down and picked up a dry leaf.

作物的叶子很快会干枯随即变成褐色。Their leaves then dry up and turn brown.

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这世界干枯如同一片死叶。And that the world should dry as a dead leaf.

江河湖泊的水干枯了。花草树木和庄稼也被晒死了。Rivers and lakes dried up. Plants and crops withered.

而且接近2千万公顷庄稼干枯了。And nearly 20-million hectares of crops are drying up.

所以金星在温室效应的影响下会逐渐干枯。Hence Venus withers under a runaway greenhouse effect.

以前我的头发干枯、粗糙,难以梳理。My hair used to be sear , roughness and hard to tease.

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对于感情世界来说,言语干枯而遥远。Words are dry and distant towards the emotional world.

一些干枯的动物尸骨在沙漠上变白了。A few dry bones of animals bleached on the desert sand.

秋天的空气使树叶干枯,很快就要落下来啦。The autumn air has crisped up the leaves ready to fall.

干枯的河床,着实不感谢感动它的过往。The dry river-going to bed finds no thanks for its past.

植物经过长期干旱之后干枯得如同火绒一般。The plants are as dry as tinder after this long drought.

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你有针对干枯受损发质的洗发液和护发素吗?。Do you have shampoo and hair conditioner for dry damaged hair?

风怒号,树裸光,牧场干枯焦黄。Of wailing winds, and naked woods, and meadows brown and sere.

一天到晚为利益打算的结果,心变冷了,收缩了,干枯了。All for the benefit of going to the heart, cold, dry shrinkage.