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加拿大已经确认了165名病例。Canada has reported 165 cases.

在这些病例中,有210例已经死亡。Of these cases, 210 have died.

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在这些病例中,有239例已经死亡。Of these cases, 239 were fatal.

在这些病例中,有311例已经死亡。Of these cases, 311 were fatal.

研究方法病例对照研究。Methods Case-controlled research.

无感染、死亡及骨不愈合病例。No infection, death and disunion.

病例对照研究。Study Design. Case-control study.

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该病例是一位59岁女性,病人于11月2日出现症状,11月14日入院。The case is a 59-year-old female.

每年都会出现新的雅司病病例。New cases of yaws appear every year.

设计病例对照临床研究。Design Case-controlled clinical trial.

所有的病例都进行局部自体植骨。In all cases, local autograft was used.

该病例发生于1名32岁男子。The case occurred in a 32-year-old man.

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早先一起病例也已得到确认。An earlier case has also been confirmed.

流感病例——死亡比例——就这样发生了。Cases of flu -- and deaths -- went way up.

各研究所纳入的病例数量为10~50例。Every research involved in 10-50 examples.

也许是脊柱后侧凸的变种病例?…Maybe some bizarre case of kyphoscoliosis.

结果本组无死亡病例。Results There was no peri-operative death.

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这些病例在流行病学方面没有关联性。The cases are not linked epidemiologically.

李医生,请你总结一下这个病例好吗?Dr. Li , can you summarize the case, please?

世卫组织只报告实验室确认的病例。WHO reports laboratory-confirmed cases only.