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查看全部6号线政务视频教程。See all Line 6 CS video tutorials.

这种情况也同样适用于电子政务。This applies to e-government as well.

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电子政务是信息技术应用的一个热点。E-government is the popular issue of IT application.

池州市政务服务中心网站欢迎您的光临!Welcome to Government Affarsservice Of ChiZhou City!

由此可见,SOA将是解决电子政务问题的一剂良方。Clearly, SOA will be a good solution of e-government.

若要当地公共汽车时刻表,请与达费德郡政务委员会联系。For a local bus timetable, contact Dyfed County Council.

地方政务委员的反应是惊恐和愤怒。Local councillors have reacted with dismay and indignation.

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推行政务公开,方便群众办事和监督。Implementation of open, facilitate the masses and supervise.

政务委员会将要决定当地剧院的命运。The council's decision will make or break the local theatre.

电子政务网建设正在进行中。The network construction of the E-government is in progress.

请稍坐,琼斯政务委员即刻就见你。Take a seat please, Councilor Jones will see you in a moment.

在此期间,阿巴斯将会继续照料政务。In the meantime, Mr Abbas could stay in charge as a caretaker.

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这种特性恰恰满足了电子政务系统开发的需要。So this characteristic satisfies the need of the E-GOV System.

请稍坐,琼斯政务委员即刻就见你。Take a seat please, Councillor Jones will see you in a moment.

普斯泰说,对奥巴马政府来说,公开政务十分重要。Openness is important to the Obama administration, Pustay said.

在反对派称一国之主不可从境外主持国家政务。The opposition says that the country cannot be run from abroad.

第二部分,县级政府电子政务建设现状。Part two is the construction of the county government E-government.

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荷兰政府会继续处理外交与国防政务。The Netherlands will continue to handle foreign and defence policy.

当我问是否能和琼斯政务委员讲话时,他就把电话挂断了。When I asked if I was speaking to Councillor Jones he simply rang off.

文中介绍了电子政务系统组成虚拟组织的需要。Brings forward the requirement of virtual organization on E-government.