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她用吸尘器清扫地毯。She vacuumed the carpet.

你会清扫和整理?Do you clean and organize?

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你可以用吸尘器清扫天花板。You can hoover the ceiling.

昨天我用吸尘器清扫了房间。I vacuumed my room yesterday.

清扫,重新布置了家具。We re-arranged the furniture.

现在请把猫砂清扫一下。Please clean the cat's litter now!

她今天上午用吸尘器清扫了房间。She vacuumed the room this morning.

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乔布斯站在一个有利的位置进行清扫。Jobs is in a good position to sweep uo.

原来是这么回事啊。看样子是该帮你好好清扫一下了!Oh , I see! I must take a clean for you!

以后能不能早点清扫我的房间?。Can you clean up my room earlier everday?

清扫畜栏,谷仓,谷仓空场,畜圈。Clean stables, barns, barnyards and pens.

客人都走后,我清扫了房间。After all the guests had left, I swept up.

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检查并清扫壁炉和烟囱。Inspect and clean fireplaces and chimneys.

我正要出去。你现在可以清扫了。I was just going out. You can clean up now.

人们会设定一天或是一段时间来作大清扫。A day or a period is set aside for cleaning.

她的部份工作就是清扫马廐。Part of her job was to muck out the stables.

这使我想进入一次清扫运动。It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.

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这让我想加入一次清扫大运动。It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.

不,真有意思,是落叶清扫机。No, interestingly, her leaf blower picked up.

用这个清扫我的家和我的车。Use this thru out my home and in our cars too.