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检察官说,他已经承认这些命案。Prosecutors said he had confessed to those slayings.

霍先生,我是为了一件命案来请教你的。你怎。Mr. Huo, I ask yours for the sake of a homicide case. You how.

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血迹是命案现场上常见的痕迹之一。Bloodstain is one of the most common traces at the scene of crime.

为了替后世苍生着想,我劝你还是打消这项任命案吧!For the sake of offspring, I hope you will give up this appointment.

他因一起与毒品相关的入室抢劫并杀害多条人命案被判入狱。He was sentenced for a drug related home invasion where several people were killed.

那段时间平均每个月我们要接150宗生意但不全是命案。I think at the time we were averaging 150 jobs a month, but they weren't all deaths.

这起命案27日发生在拉合尔东部城区一处繁忙街道。This is from the murder of 27 occurred in the eastern city of Lahore at a busy street.

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于是,在经历了两桩格外肮脏恐怖的命案后,辛巴终于成为了狮子王。So after two particularly nasty and horrendous deaths, Simba finally becomes the lion king.

纽约市发生命案,富家子韦华达谋杀一名黑人学生,最后遭黑人警探沙夫逮捕。When spoiled college kid Walter Wade kills a young black student, John Shaft makes the arrest.

冻死命案一桩接一桩发作,道三查出应是越后国雪女所用的咒语。Freezing ramseys pile after pile attack, word should be after three found the kingdom of spell.

在这起命案发作之前有另一名高野发廊的女顾客遭到杀害。In the murders took place there is another name before takano-san the salon woman customer being killed.

那些有命案背景的帮派,即使稍微触动假释条律,警察也会运用民法严厉打击他们。A gang that murders people will be harried by civil injunctions and crackdowns on petty probation violations.

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值得一提的是,这座公寓中1999年曾发生一桩离奇命案,当时的主人就惨死家中。It should be paid attention , this apartment once occurred a bizarre murder , and its host died in the house.

石首发生离奇命案,警方不仅不侦察破案,反而派出武警强行镇压民众。Shishou bizarre murder occurred, the police not only to crack the case and sent armed police force to suppress the people.

一名年轻人工作在城市的地下储藏工厂,他发现了一起命案的证据,他发誓要将凶手绳之于法。Working at an underground city storage facility, a young man discovers evidence of a murder and vows to bring the killer to justice.

结论主要对死亡的发生原因、手段、致伤工具、年龄性别、季节等,这对命案的预防有一定的指导作用。Conclusion The analysis mainly on death mechanism, damage type, occupation and occurred season is useful for preventing homicide case.

具说,她是小伦纳德•冈萨雷斯的朋友,人们把小冈萨雷斯描述为组织上周入室命案的“关键人物”。She is said to be friends with Leonard Gonzalez Junior, someone described as a "pivotal person" in organizing last week's deadly break-in.

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命案现场勘查是刑事诉讼中命案刑事侦查阶段的一个不可缺少的组成部分,命案现场勘查中法医工作是重点。The investigation at the scene of homicide cases is a part of criminal proceedings, and its main point is on the medicolegal investigation.

一个个命案被泰秀和石焕发现,他们所生活过的故乡正逐渐走向地狱的感觉。A each one homicide case discovered by peaceful Xiu and Shi Huan, they have lived the hometown is moving toward the hell gradually the feeling.

同时,在“黑房子”附近发生了多起命案,许多年轻的单身女子被人在家中扼死。In the meantime, several murdurs occurred near "the black house". Many a young single woman had been killed by way of throat-clutching at home.