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订货货单编号是0018。It 's number 0018.

第一项产品编号是2456。The first item is 2456.

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是否所有支票均已编号?Are all checks pre-numbered?

找出他们的零件编号。Find the part number for them.

可以对列表进行编号,也可以不编号。A list can be numbered or non-numbered.

按编号顺序把这些发票入档。File these invoices in numerical order.

按产品编号查找产品。To find a product by its article number

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哦,我明白了,嗯,他的隔间编号是19-346-B。Tony. Ah yes, he's in cubicle 19-346-B.

每一个编号和编码都是一个不一样的商品。Each code and number stands for an item.

练习从一至三百六十五逐一编号。The exercises are numbered from 1 to 365.

这两辆虎王车体上的编号分别是102和502。There were vehicles numbered 102 and 502.

在编号70的传送带那。They didn't apparently call it debugging.

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其在剑桥晶体学数据库的编号为290518。The CCDC number of the compound is 290518.

您可以发送到我们的电子邮件项目编号。You can send the item number to our email.

机型编号后面加F表示为防静电烤漆机型。Additional "F" shows anti-ESD coating type.

所有旅客的预定必须在同一记录编号内。All passengers' booking must be in one PNR.

拖动侧边手柄可拉伸并重新编号。Drag a side handle to stretch and renumber.

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它的编号也被改变为885号。Its pennant number was also changed to 885.

按「取消」取消设定自动编号。Click "Cancel" to cancel setting autonumber.

编号列表比符号列表用处少些。This is less useful than the bulletted list.