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我倒要看你怎么有脸面对她。I'll see if you have the effrontery to face her.

染上艾滋命归天,还要家人没脸面。HIV Death life, but also did not face his family.

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泪水夺眶而出,长泪落在了我的脸面。Tears brim over with tears, tears falling on my face.

不顾自己的脸面,也该顾及一下孩子们吧,随他去。In spite of his face, which also allow for the kids, with him.

这里是停柩所,是已运到的棺木,和无数阴沉的脸面。With the waiting depot, the arriving coffin, and the somber faces.

这对郝建国牛一蓓来说,让北京的郝家脸面扫地!This HaoJianGuo ox for a bud, it let Beijing hao face sweeping home!

脸面明亮如日头,衣裳洁白如光。His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.

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他将黄金扔进烟囱以保留这位穷困的父亲的脸面。He dropped the gold down the chimney to save face for the impoverished father.

和美国人相比,中国人非常重视他们的脸面。In comparison with the Americans, Chinese are more sensitive about their face.

潜水者同样需要带全脸面具以保护眼睛和嘴。Divers will also need to wear full face masks to protect their eyes and mouths.

基本就没把亲家和本人放在眼里,十分要面子的郝建国觉的没有脸面!Basic didn't put in-laws and I put in eyes, very HaoJianGuo felt no hadn't face!

志愿者可以修改这些脸面的色彩,改成更深或者更黄的脸面。They could manipulate the colors of the face to increase the darkness or the yellow tones.

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人若是被逼到绝处,方知脸面并没有生存重要。Person if be forced matchless place, the square knows that the face didn't exist magnitude.

在火车上穿著全脸面纱的德希丹表示。"It's not an act of provocation, " said Kenza Drider, wearing a full-face veil on the train.

阿娇在偷拍事件后痛哭流涕,表示自已以后无脸面对小朋友。Ejiao after the 1906 incident in the film, said that after a face to face their own children.

他向我这样说,我就脸面朝地,哑口无声。And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb.

法国因突尼斯事件脸面全无,但依靠利比亚反叛这一事件摆正了自己的立场。France suffered humiliation in Tunisia, but seized on the Libyan revolt to set matters straight.

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说干就干。索菲着手的第一个工程就是要在比克曼的前厅门廊那里,编织一幅门帘。家门嘛,门可是家的脸面呢!Sophie set to work. Her first project was to weave a web of curtains for Beekman's front parlor.

一位带着猴脸面具的舞者出场,可能是描绘齐天大圣孙悟空。A dancer with a painted monkey-faced mask emerged, possibly portraying the Monkey God Sun Wukong.

没有生命,地球的脸面就会失去表情,变得像月球般木然。Without life, the face of the Earth would become as motionless and inert as the face of the moon.