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假如要欺骗敌人,掩人耳目是必要旳。Camouflage is necessary if we are to deceive the enemy.

为了掩人耳目发表第一部诗集,诗人就为自己取了个笔名--聂鲁达。To cover up the publication of his first poem he took the pen name pablo neruda.

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是啊,当一种用语只是为了隐瞒事实才被使用时,它其实已经变成了一种掩人耳目的形式。Yeah, when the term used only obscures the truth, then it's a subtle form of deception.

但我承认,这样说多少有些掩人耳目之嫌,且并且其中还有许多例外情况。It’s a little counter-intuitive, I admit, and there are plenty of exceptions to this step.

心平与天澄来到停车场已换上装束掩人耳目,顺利离开领事馆。Heart flat and day hopes came to the parking lot has been put on costumes, leaving the consulate.

原来是店主为掩人耳目,故意把香烟藏在茶叶盒里,以逃避检查。Original owner to deceive the public, deliberately cigarettes hidden in bags, to escape inspection.

我取我该得的,不道德的人以此掩人耳目,以此为争名夺利的冠冕堂皇的理由。I get I deserve, immoral person to deceive the public as a benefit for the capture of high-sounding excuse.

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魔术,原本就是变戏法,掩人耳目是必须的条件,从而实现魔术本身的神秘价值。Magic, originally magic, deceive the public is an essential condition in order to achieve their own mysterious magic value.

据埃及官方调查显示,波哈特当年是用粘土覆盖半身像,掩人耳目偷运出埃及,并转移到德国的。According to the Egyptian authorities, Borchardt sneaked the bust out of Egypt under a coating of clay and shipped it to Germany.

穆巴拉克统治了30年,是的,每隔6年有一次选举,但普遍被认为,那些只是掩人耳目的作秀。Mubarak has ruled for 30 years, and yes, there have been elections every 6 years, but these are widely seen as being only for show.

可关雅丽还是给姚珍珍联系了教会医院,并且为了掩人耳目只让徐师傅自己带着姚珍珍去做手术。Can give Yao Zhenzhen GuanYa lili or contact the church hospital, and camouflage only to master xu himself with Yao Zhenzhen to surgery.

在全国人民的强大呼声震撼下,1947年国民党当局搞了个假惺惺的“国民代表大会”选举,妄图掩人耳目。Under the powerful voice of the nation, the Kuomintang authorities launched, unctuously, an election campaign to the National Congress in 1947.

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他们把树上的叶子清理好,让光线照射进来,然后在树的躯干旁种植,以此掩人耳目,逃避打击毒品部门的侦查。They clear foliage from the trees to allow in light, then grow the plants between the trunks to hide them from aerial detection by the drug authorities.

为了掩人耳目,这位伟大的国王力图将阿赫那吞、图坦卡蒙和阿玛纳时期“异教徒们”的历史遗迹抹除得一干二净。More than anyone else, this great king would work to erase from history all traces of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and the other "heretics" of the Amarna period.

这个大头消防兵是绝对掩人耳目的震动棒,谁也不知道他帽子下面藏着什么秘密!The Fireman Toy Vibrator is a perfectly diguised toy! When this Fireman sits innocently on your night stand, no one will know what's happening under his hat!

迪对这部书很感兴趣,因为他自己就积极地研究法术,他当传教士是为了掩人耳目,不让人发现他在研究数学。The text was particularly interesting for Dee because he was actively engaged in spirit magic and was an evangelist for the fledgling science of mathematics.

德赛教授把他的研究目标放在了航空航天领域,这些公司和机构是向太空发射卫星,火箭和航天飞机的单位,它们的知名度均名扬天下,任何闪失都难以掩人耳目。He based his research on companies and organisations that launch satellites, rockets and shuttles into space – an arena where failures are high profile and hard to conceal.

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此外,调查还说明了北韩是如何利用好航道和分公司的幌子,通过给商品换标签,绕弯路等手段遮掩其走私活动,达到掩人耳目的目的。It described how North Korea used reputable shipping lines, the mislabelling of goods, subsidiary companies and circuitous routes to shield its smuggling activities from view.

布什方面对媒体忠实然而轻蔑,仇视任何形式向公众揭露的活动,在过去八年里他们一直掩人耳目的进行着自己的工作。Intensely loyal, contemptuous of the press and overwhelmingly hostile to any form of public disclosure, the Bushies did a remarkable job of keeping their doings hidden for eight years.

当地口口相传,这种蠕虫平日都会潜伏于戈壁黄沙之下,而当有游人路过时,就会以迅雷不及掩耳之势窜出猛咬一口,然后又伪装成齿线状的直肠来掩人耳目。According to legend, the worm lurks beneath the sand of the desert, pouncing on unsuspecting victims by shooting bolts of lightning and acid from what appears to be a teeth-lined rectum.