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这就是哥伦布发现新大陆航行的海道。They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail.

在北美洲北部繁殖的新大陆杓鹬。New World curlew that breeds in northern North America.

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这是新大陆,还是旧大陆,还是下一个大陆?Was this the New World, the Old World, or the Next World?

新大陆的移栖的蝗虫和常见的美洲蚱蜢。New World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers.

我们仍把新大陆古铜色皮肤的土著称作印度人。We still call the copper-colored natives of the New World Indians.

于是你猜想没有除了六块大陆以外的新大陆存在于地球上。You conjecture that there are no other great land masses on Earth.

克里斯托弗·哥伦布从圣玛丽亚启航前往新大陆。Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World in the Santa Maria.

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新大陆圣约翰的乔治大街上充满了尖叫声。Getting “screeched in” on George Street in St. Johns, Newfoundland.

哥伦布发现了美洲,但未探勘此新大陆。Columbus discovered America , but did not explore the new continent.

哥伦布被认为发现了美洲新大陆。Columbus was the man who was attributed to having discovered America.

关注中国二手设备网,你将发现一片新大陆!Focus on China used plant Network, you will discover a new continent!

故你派出了一队又一队海洋探险人员去发现新大陆。You send one after another sea expedition in which discover new lands.

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这些饱尝磨难的拓居者到达新大陆后的寿命只有两年。The life expectancy of these hardy settlers upon arriving was two years.

哥伦布发现美洲,可是并没有到那块新大陆上去探险。EXPLORE】Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent.

咖啡约于西元1600年传到欧洲,七年后再传入新大陆。Coffee spread to Europe around 1600 and to the New World seven years later.

人们过去把发现新大陆的功劳归之于哥伦布。People used to give credit Columbus for the discovery of the New Continent.

鬼脸蝠广泛分布在从美国南部到秘鲁的新大陆中。Ghost faced bats are widely spread in the New World, from the southern US to Peru.

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楚门阐述道,新大陆上本没有麻风病,是欧洲移民抵达时携带来的。Truman says there was no leprosy in the New World until European settlers arrived.

即使一个叫做亚美利哥•韦斯普奇当时开始叫它“新大陆”。Even though an Italian named Amerigo Vespucci had started calling it the new world.

许多清教徒开拓者在新大陆仍保持他们好争论的脾气。Many of the old puritan colonist retain their factious temperament in the new world.