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我爱自由走动。I love walking around freely.

那只猫无声地走动着。The cat moved on silent feet.

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那个病人起床外出走动了。The patient was out and about.

他走动时他的靴子发出咯吱咯吱的声音。His boots squelched when he walked.

有时,我在大楼周围走动。Sometimes I walk around the building.

她可以四处走动都是有限的。She was able to walk around limitedly.

卧式?坐式?走动式?Think While Lying, Sitting or Walking?

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走动中把打字机放在台子上。Move. Putting a typewriter on the desk.

有个暴发户在舞会上神气活现地四处走动。A parvenu swaggers by oneself at a party.

她拄着拐棍到处走动。She gets around with the help of a stick.

那个小丑以夸张的动作在马戏场中走动。The clown flounced about the circus ring.

卖冰琪淋的人在旁边走动。There are some ice-cream men going about.

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这头种猪走动时肚子离地六英寸。This boar walks six inches off the floor.

我听见楼上有人来回走动。I can hear somebody moving about upstairs.

我绕着可以看到她面孔的地方四处走动。I walk around to where I can see her face.

如果可能,每个小时都走动走动。Walk around every hour or so, if possible.

站起来,走动一下,如果可以出去走动一下。Get up, walk around, go outside if you can.

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试一试按照这个姿势有意识地走动几步。Give it a shot. Walk and move with purpose.

这些棋子儿手挽着手四处走动!The chessmen were walking around, arm in arm!

你在这里走动自然不会有问题。You can walk around here without any problem.