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达西先生耸了耸身子。Mr. Darcy bowed.

她也光着身子了。She was naked too.

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新的纹身子系统?New tatooing subsystem?

一只鸭子扭动着身子在路上走。A duck wiggled in the street.

俯下身子然后出示三。Reach down and Show us three.

趁眼泪还没流出来之前,我别开了身子。I pull away before tears come.

她的身子骨痛。There were aches in her bones.

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他探出了身子,睁大眼睛瞧着我。He leaned forward staring at me.

他把刀子捅进敌人的身子。He ran the knife into his enemy.

给出浴的“芙蓉”擦干身子。Towel her dry after she showers.

他身子歪斜着依靠在墙上。He leant aslant against the wall.

这光光地身子是怎么进化出来的呢?So why did this nakedness evolve?

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病人痛苦地扭动着身子。The patient twisted about in pain.

他们努力地弓着身子走路。They walk hunched and with effort.

马在厩栏上擦著身子。The horse chafed against his stall.

这个小女孩把身子卷缩起来。The little girl huddled herself up.

小女孩把身子缩成一团。The little girl huddles herself up.

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它静静地蜷着身子躺在沙漠的沙地上。It lay still, curled in desert sand.

卡德加一时间站直了身子。Khadgar just sat there for a moment.

她弯下身子捡起一块石头。She bent down and picked up a stone.