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心花怒放!Heart Flower Angry Open!

我高兴的心花怒放。My heart expanded in delight.

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那些奉承使她心花怒放。The flattery made her expand.

当我给我儿子一个小甜饼时,他心花怒放。When I give my son a , he is happy.

当我给我儿子一个小甜饼时,他心花怒放。When I give my son a cookie, he is happy.

每次看见她坐在车里,我就心花怒放。I saw her sitting in her car and I was joyous.

每次他这样做的时候,我依然心花怒放。I still feel giddy and excited when he does this.

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这三个字使他心花怒放。Those three words threw him into a tumult of joy.

一切都是那么美好,让人心花怒放。Everything is so nice, let man heart flower angry open.

去吮吸那旋花植物令人心花怒放的毒汁。The flower plants suck to spin Is the gall of be elated.

珂赛特如痴如醉,心花怒放,惊恐不安,象进了天堂。Cosette was intoxicated, delighted, frightened, in heaven.

简单的三个字就能让她心花怒放?Those three words can make her heart jump for joy, you know?

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她一想到能花那一大笔钱不觉心花怒放。She's licking her chops at the thought of spending all that money!

女人如猫。猫心花怒放时会低声呜叫。女人也是。Women are like cats. A cat purrs when she is happy. So does a woman.

两人禁不住都笑了。这一笑,使哈里心花怒放,轻松多了。Both of them burst out laughing, and Harry raptured and was at his ease.

他抓了满满一手金币,见自己有了如此多的钱他此时心花怒放。He gathered up a handful of coins, reveling in the weight of so much money.

王后回到宫中,心花怒放,以为打发了这些继子女。Queen returned to the palace, elated, thinking to kill these step-children.

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于是,你就会发现,原来餐具也可以让你“心花怒放”哦!Then, you can discover, original tableware also can let you " be elated " oh!

毛绒玩具加一束鲜花,保管你女朋友心花怒放。Plush toys plus a bouquet of flowers. I am sure your girlfriend will be happy.

他收到的大学录取通知书使他的母亲心花怒放。The admission notice he received from the university rejoiced his mother's heart.