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拉尔夫木然地看着他。Ralph looked at him dumbly.

忧虑使她变得木然。The worries darkened her mind.

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迟钝,木然、冷漠。dull, callous, and indifferent.

卡门·艾尔茜拉木然地摇摇头。Carmen Elcira shook her head numbly.

亨利木然地盯着保罗。Henry gave Paul a glassy-eyed stare.

他的表情不再是木然的了。His expression was no longer wooden.

他只是木然地站在炉火旁,看着那渐渐灭去的灰烬。He stood, huddled by the open fire, gazing at the dying embers.

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他站在那年复一年,直至变得如同机械一般木然。He stands there year after year, until he seems but a piece of mechanism.

斯佳丽一直到看不见他时,才木然瘫坐在甲板上的一把椅子里。Scarlett has been to see him, only woodenly slumped in a chair on the deck.

我不知道该如何抚慰母亲,只能木然地站着,心如刀绞。I don't know how to comfort his mother, only motionless, be torn with grief.

法官宣布对被告判以十年徒刑,被告木木然坐著毫无反应。The accused sit impassively as the judge sentence him to ten year in prison.

法官宣布对被告判以十年徒刑,被告木木然坐著毫无反应。The accused sat impassively as the judge sentenced him to ten years in prison.

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警察在街对面站成一排,神情木然地注视着示威者。The police stood in a line across the street, impassively surveying the protesters.

我会提醒自己察看对方是否表情木然、语言含含糊糊或目光不定。I remind myself to look for glazed expressions, noncommittal grunts, or darting eyes.

醒来的甘木然坐在门前的长椅上,然后突然开始奔跑。Gan woodenly awoke sitting up in front of the bench, and then suddenly started running.

电梯门开了,有个女孩子木然地站在门外。The elevator door opened and there was a girl standing outside with a emotionless face.

真正的绘画艺术,对许多人来说是孤高和清绝的,是木然和陌生的。The real painting art, for many people, is an isolated and distinct, tedious and strange.

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军官们都聚在一堆交谈,只有海军上将金神情木然地独立站在一旁。The military men were talking together, except for Admiral King, who stood woodenly apart.

如果你用自己头脑的想法来辩论登山宝训的内容,你就会对指向你内心的呼吁木然无知。If you dispute the Sermon on the Mount with your head, you will blunt the appeal to your heart.

没有生命,地球的脸面就会失去表情,变得像月球般木然。Without life, the face of the Earth would become as motionless and inert as the face of the moon.