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他节制睡眠。He stints himself in sleep.

事实上,应该尽量节制,B-with,restraint。,应该尽量节制。And frankly, A-with restraint.

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节制是得胜的爱。Meekness is love's comeliness.

节制是仙丹妙药。Temperance is the Best physic.

吃饭随意,喝酒节制。Eat at plesure, drink with measure.

协助促进节制。Assist in the promotion of continence.

您可以选择按您的节制。You can choose as per your continence.

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她发誓要领导一个生活的节制。She vowed to lead a life of continence.

但是这只杂食动物依然毫无节制。But the omnivorous beast is rampant still.

即使实在要用,倒叙法也该用得节制。Flashbacks should be used sparingly, if at all.

现在你可以吃了,不过还是得节制。Now you may eat, though still not immoderately.

他没节制地花钱买酒,因而沦为乞丐。He was beggared by spending so much on drinking.

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人口的增长使节制生育成为必要。In crease in population made birth control necessary.

而奴吉尔德的新丈夫,法耶兹,可并没有这样的节制。Nujood's new husband, Faez, showed no such restraint.

这三个团全归你节制。The three regiments are all under the command of you.

治疗期间,宜节制房事。During treatment, sexual activity should be abstinent.

节制饮食对超重的人是非常有益的。Dieting is of great benefit to the over-weighted people.

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我们如何运用节制来建立健康的人际关系?How can we use self-control to build healthy relationships?

在孩子面前,她说话应该节制。She should moderate her language when children are present.

节制使你不必因着行为而被人评价。Abstinence frees you from being valued on a performance basis.