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理理行囊,迎接明日的曙光。Making up the bag, meeting the dawn of tomorrow.

他们将行囊装在杰克的小型巴士上朝北开去。So they loaded up Jack's minivan and headed north.

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把你的行囊打包,徒步到一个偏远的地方去。Pack up your remaining items and hike to a remote spot.

几年后,他背起行囊,踏上了来美之路。A few years later, he packed up his possessions and did it.

时间一天天过去,第五天了,大天鹅已经在拾掇行囊了。Time was gone, Swan had packed their things in the fifth day.

背上行囊去远方,那个梦寐以求的目的地。On the back of the pack to the distance, the dream destination.

把曾经的快乐收入行囊,将你的身影装在心间。Income luggage was happy to be your shadow installed between heart.

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大家一个接一个的走掉了,很快我也无奈的收拾行囊回到了美国。People began to leave, and soon I was reluctantly packing my bags, too.

但是整理行囊离开伊拉克和阿富汗无法解决我们的问题。But packing up and leaving Iraq and Afghanistan will not resolve our ills.

我坐了下来,行囊里开始挤满暮色,我开始那么地恋恋不舍。I sat down, case began with twilight, I started so and unable to part from.

背上你为我打点的行囊,一路朝着梦的方向流浪。On the B. B. C. you for my back towards the dream bags, all direction stray.

流云在天边,行囊在眼前,有一条通往太阳的路无边又无沿。Cloud in the sky, the bags here, there is a way to the sun and endless skull.

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在路途中,理想是你们唯一的行囊,信念是永恒的盘缠。On the road, dream is your only larggage, and belief os your eternal travel fee.

愚人身着彩衣,行囊系于杖上,一狗,一悬崖。The fool in colorful motley clothes, pack tied to a staff, a small dog, a cliff.

于是,正男背上行囊出发去寻找住在另一个城市的母亲。Then, travelinging bag on male back set out the mother that goes be being searched.

抵家里头,打点行囊包裹,上京赶考。你不想你自个儿怎么去呀?。Home, bags, attends Beijing special package rbis. Don't you think you alone how go to?

于是,司机停下车,帮我把行囊从后备箱里卸了下来。The driver turns off the engine and exits the car to retrieve my suitcase from the trunk.

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要找到一种纯正的野草,我们只好卷起铺盖,打起行囊,远走天涯。We have no choice but to curl up bedclothes, collecting traveling bag for far-off skyline.

大家来买票,来买票,看欧兹巴士大马戏团,26个疲惫不堪的旅行者放下行囊来。Roll up, roll up to the Oz-Bus Big Top, as 26 knackered travellers pull off rucksacks and bags.

我放置好行囊,沿着城市周遭走了两个小时,——甚至更多,沉浸在这繁华的城市夜色中。I deposit my suitcase and walk for two hours or more, surprised by the magnificence of the city.