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优选的第一种药剂是替加色罗。The preferred first agent is tegaserod.

一个零化学药剂的扑灭臭重新方法。A chemical-free method to treat bed bugs.

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看来克伦南的药剂终于起效了。It looks likeKrennan's potion finally worked.

灭病媒药,杀害物剂根除侵扰的药剂,如虫害的药剂。An agent that eradicates an infestation as of vermin.

一种药剂,用于杀灭引起发痒的疥疮的小虫。A drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies.

该药剂田间使用以1500倍液为宜。It is suitable to use 1500 times diluents in the field.

杰里喝了一种让他变得超级强壮的药剂。Jerry drinks a potion that makes him grow super-strong.

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他们相信这药剂能够止泻。They believed that the physic could stop your diarrhea.

海格退缩在药剂大师的语气愤怒。Hagrid flinched at the fury in the Potion Master's tone.

他们用掺有化学药剂的水擦洗地板。They cleaned the floor with water mixed with a chemical.

这种药剂杀菌但封宠物和人无害。This drug kills germs but is harmless to pets and people.

药剂具有持效期长等优点。This medicine has advantages such as a persistent effect.

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同时,氯化铝钙为中性药剂,对设备无腐蚀性。The aluminum calcium chloride is noncorrosive to equipment.

药剂是用蛇胆提炼而成的。This medicine was extracted from the gallbladder of snakes.

药剂业,诊所,有机商店,咖啡厅及茶行名单。Pharmacy, Clinic, Organic shop, Coffee shop & Tea Shop List.

化学药剂何足贵,但求真理不惜金。Afraid of such expensive chemicals, but to the truth at gold.

所述的辅助药剂为煤油或轻柴油或仲辛醇。The adjuvant is coal oil, light diesel oil or capryl alcohol.

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有些药剂会对正常的身体功能产生抑制作用。Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity.

结论最大限度发挥药剂人员和设备的能力。Conclusion To the best of pharmacologists and equipment ability.

药剂沉积量与植株不同高度的部位成正相关。The deposit quantity is positive correlation with high of plant.