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行政公产有诸多不同于私有产权的法律特色。It has legal characteristics much different from private belongings.

在贺麟的心目中,文化是世界的,是人类的公产。In Helm's view, culture is the world's and mankind's public property.

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活动经费一般出自公产或滩派或捐助。Activities are funded from public property or the beach in general, or to send donations.

公产二手房买产权应如何计算购房款?。Housing should be bought second -hand off public property, how to calculate the purchase?

第三章论述的是共用公产设立行为之合法要件。The third chapter demonstrates the lawful factor of the proceeding which establish the public property.

公产,应被区分为若干类型,其上存在着所有权,其主体为行政机关。Common property can be divided into several types, on which exists ownership and the owner is administrative organ.

第四章讨论的是共用公产设立之效力问题。The contents of the effectiveness of the proceeding which establish the public property is to discuss in the fourth chapter.

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从天津县议事会通过的议案看,天津县自治机关不仅关注公款公产的调查,而且干预经济政策的制定。From the hill, we found the parliament of Tianjin also investigated the public property and intervened with the economic policies.

无论从人权保障还是市场经济的角度来看,共用公产都有着重大的社会价值。The public property has a significant value of society, in a point of view of the safeguard of the human rights and market economy.

共用公产成立之前,设立机关必须拥有合乎法律规定的权力基础。Before the proceeding which establish the public property, administrative organ must have a base of authority which is regulate in law.

第二章主要研究了共用公产设立行为的构成要件。The main contents of the second chapter is the essential factors of construction of the proceeding which establish the public property.

行政公产的融通、公用征收等都严格受到一定目的和条件的限制。The administrative public property must be restricted for its circulation, and collection, for the goal limit and the certain condition.

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行政公产是行政主体履行公共行政管理,给付公共福利的物之手段。行政公产的内涵不只仅涉静态之物,亦包括了动态的行政债权。The administrative public belongings is one of the means for the administrative subject to carry out public administration and distribute public welfare.

在我国,行政公产仍然是一个学术意义上的概念,但行政公产作为行政的物的手段的意义正日益显现。In China, the administrative public property is still an academic concept. On the other hands, the function of the thing method is appearing more and more important.

因行政公产而发生的纠纷有很多类型,相对人因使用行政公产发生的损害也应纳入国家赔偿的范围。The disputes caused by the use of public property take on various types, and the damages to the users of public property should be incorporated into the national indemnity liability.

行政公产的使用是行政公产制度的核心,它包括共同使用和独占使用,分别适用不同的原则。The exploitation mechanism of the public property is at the core of the public property system, which is classified into mutual use and exclusive use applicable to different principles.

在对共用公产设立行为法律性质的界定上,重点介绍了设立行为之主体要件。A key is the subject factor in the proceeding which establish the public property which is set up the basis of the nature of the proceeding which establish the public property in legislation.

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虽然国外有关行政公产的理论已经发展到了相当完善的地步,但我国法学界对这一问题的研究才刚刚起步,尚未形成专门体系。Although the theory abroad of administrative public property has an excellent development, but Chinese legal research on this issue has just begun and has not yet formed a specialized system.

此外,在公产管理,学生公寓租用,饮食服务和学生校园伤害等方面与学生之间为民事法律关系。In addition, civil legal relationship also exists between universities and their students, such as management of property, rent of student apartment, meal service and students' harm on campus.