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她读到一桩轶事。There she read an anecdote.

不过我会给大家讲一则趣闻轶事。But an anecdote will suffice.

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她为编一部词典搜集轶事趣闻。He bagged anecdotes for a dictionary.

那件小小的轶事可以告诉你许多信息。That little anecdote tells you a lot.

他没讲课文而讲了一段轶事。He departs from the text to tell an anecdote.

他开始滔滔不绝地讲起萧伯纳的轶事。He launched into endless anecdotes about Shaw.

她脱离课文扯到一段轶事上去了。She departed from the text to tell an anecdote.

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为作那些点的轶事梳头发你的过去。Comb your past for anecdotes that make those points.

对我而言,这些轶事集中于一个关键问题。For me, these stories focus attention on a key issue.

他还告诉过我们西方国家的一些趣闻轶事。He told us some interesting things about the western world.

蓝默先生利用这些奇闻轶事建构出的观察相当犀利。Mr Ramo uses his anecdotes to make some sharp observations.

一个私立基金机构的轶事以及它的一些基金项目One private funding institute's story, and a few of its grants

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他用那些轶事去重现他在独立战争时期的经历。He uses anecdotes to re-create his experience during theCivil War.

关键是要编织有关的个人轶事到你的写作中。The key is to weave relevant personal anecdotes into your writing.

以下将为您介绍经典款鸡尾酒的酒谱及其历史轶事。Read on for great recipes and the history of these classic cocktails.

这些要约文件在何鸿燊的赌博帝国里散落着尚属奇闻轶事。The offering document was littered with titbits about Mr Ho’s empire.

每个评估都有一小段带有轶事信息的摘要。With each assessment a short summary with anecdotal information is shared.

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阅读书中他们狂欢作乐的趣闻轶事,就能很容易看出原因。And reading his anecdotes of their high jinks together, it's easy to see why.

好几项研究和很多奇闻轶事的证据似乎都能证明这一点。Several studies, as well as a lot of anecdotal evidence, seem to support this.

但是,一些轶事却说明了更严重的问题。But, a few anecdotical the problem that says palpability is more serious however.