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我很正直。I have integrity.

正直的言语力量何其大。How forcible are right words!

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他们有荣誉心而且很正直。They have honor and integrity.

但他勇敢.正直.聪明。But he brave. Integrity. Smart.

他在待人接物方面正直老实。He is straight in his dealings.

她正直直得盯着我看。She was looking straight at me.

高度诚实和正直You want people of high integrity.

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小天是个正直的、有原则的人。Albert has integrity and principles.

他为人正直,大家都尊敬他。All respected him for his integrity.

她称赞他为人正直。She admired his straightforwardness.

正直的约翰·李尔本难道该死?。What?Shall Honest John Lilburne die?

正直的人不使阴招。A straight man does nothing underhand.

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他为官正直,是一位清官。He was an honest and upright official.

这些是正直的我后台作业烦恼!These were just my background worries!

你们都是诚实正直、勤奋努力的人。You are all honest, hardworking people.

他为人正直但缺乏常识。He is honest but devoid of common sense.

我一定是受人尊敬的,我是一个正直的人。I must be respected, I’m an upright man.

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梅休是一个正直可靠的男人。Mayhew is a man of rock-solid integrity.

然而正直者是火焰和燃料!The just, however, are fervour and fuel!

但见这正直的汉子一路尾随上帝的信使。And the just man trailed God's messenger.