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多数汽车都采用钢构架。Most cars have a steel frame.

这也是一种铁三角构架。It is a type of iron triangle.

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烧毁建筑物的基本构架。The carcass of a burned-out building.

架构师创造出软件构架。The architect creates the architecture.

这栋房子的构架很摩登。The framework of the house is quite modern.

它将有花环形构架如思索的人脑。With the wreathed trellis of a working brain.

有着强烈丹宁酸和少许花香的好构架。Good structure with strong tannins and bouquet.

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一条构架描述提供理由。An architectural description provides rationale.

给出了多载波CDMA系统构架。This paper constructs multi-carrier CDMA system.

房屋的木构架已经搭好。The wooden frame of the house is already in place.

兰色姆“构架-肌质”理论的延伸思考——兼论小说的“肌质”Reflections on Ransoms Theory of "Structure-Texture""

提出该码集的通用编码器和解码器构架。Encoder-decoder architecture of this code is proposed.

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车顶构架,还没有焊接零件。Roof framings and not yet welded to them casing parts.

这种缩微电池的关键在于他们的结构构架。The key to these tiny batteries is their architecture.

覆盖在构架或其他框架上的面板。Surface panels applied to carcase or other structural frame.

一条构架描述识别一条或多条关联。An architectural description identifies one or more concerns.

我想这本书的任务,也就是将那种构架给填满。And I think the task of the novel is to fill that structure in.

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集成需要被设计在一个稳定的数据构架之上。Integrations have to be designed on a stable structure of data.

这是使美国和所有国家向前迈进的构架。It is the architecture of progress for America and all nations.

很多次我们在两个选择之间徘徊,没有一个固定的构架或判断的方法来拿定主意。What Columbo had bundles of was a great trust in his intuition.