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眼球破裂属于眼科急症。Globe rupture is an ophthalmologic emergency.

这是一极为罕见致死性氰化物中毒的急症。This is a very rare case of acute and lethal cyanide intoxication.

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角膜溃疡属急症因为若其继续发展可导致失明。It is an emergency because it may progress to cause loss of vision.

胎盘因素是产科急症子宫切除术的主要指征。Pla cental disorder was the main indication of emergency hysterectomy.

这是一种一经发现必须马上处理的危及生命的急症。This is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate treatment.

岔气又叫急性胸肋疼,是日常生活中难免的急症。Chest Pain is an acute chest pain, an unavoidable disease in daily life.

专科或住院诊治须由保健处转介,急症情况应如何处理?。Medical treatments require UHS referral. How about in an emergency situation?

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一天夜里,女孩身染急症。慌乱之中,她本想打电话给。One night, the girl caught ill. In a moment lf fluster, instead of calling her.

女孩身染急症,慌乱之中把本想把拨给父母的电话拨到了新男友那里。In moment of fluster, instead of calling her parents, she dialed the new boy's phone.

研究人员称1990年56000个急症患者。Researchers say it resulted in 56, 000 emergency room visits a year during the 1990s.

脑膜炎球菌病具有潜在致命性,应将其视为急症。Meningococcal disease is potentially fatal and should be viewed as a medical emergency.

肩难产被大多数医生认为是产科或助产的急症。Shoulder dystocia is considered an obstetric or midwifery emergency by most practitioners.

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常见的心脏急症为心衰竭,缺氧发作及心律不整。Congestive heart failure, cyanotic spells and arrhythmias are the common cardiac emergencies.

争议的焦点集中在像癌症之类的疾病是否可以划归急症或者“流行病”之列。The debate turns on whether diseases like cancer can be characterized as emergencies, or “epidemics.

结果宫外孕是妇科急症中发病最多的疾病。Results Ectopic pregnancy is the result of gynaecological most acute in the incidence of the disease.

经过一场平卖会和激斗以后,艾克力在急症室外等他的弟弟。After a garage sale and then a fighting ,Eric was waiting for his little brother in the emergency room.

心包填塞是内科常见的急症之一,处理不当可危及病人的生命。Cardiac tamponade is a common medical emergency one, improper handling can endanger the lives of patients.

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肺结核大咯血是肺科的急症之一,病情来势凶猛。The pulmonary tuberculosis big hemoptysis is one of lung branch acute diseases, the condition oncoming force.

一天夜里,女孩身染急症,慌乱之中把本想拨给父母的电话拨到了新的男友那里。男孩早已睡下,但手机还。One night, the girl caught ill. In moment of fluster, instead of calling her parents, she dialed the new boy's cell.

外感高热属小儿常见中医急症,王老用药浴、推拿配合内论文发表服疗效理想。Exogenous high fever is a common pediatric emergency medicine, Wong Lo medicine bath, massage with good oral efficacy.