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丰富而优雅葡萄酒余韵悠长。Rich and elegant wine in length.

平衡的酒体和完好的单宁使得余韵绵长。A long and structured finish with fine tannins.

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持久的黑醋栗和新橡木口感余韵更悠长。Persistent blackcurrants and new oak in length.

持久的黑醋栗和新橡木口感余韵悠长。Lasting blackcurrant and new oak flavors palate.

因为有一种余韵会一直扩散-那就是爱!It is because there's a teste expanded – that is love!

这款新的啤酒味道醇厚且余韵悠长。The new brand of beer had a nice taste and long aftertaste.

馥郁的果香芬芳宜人,蕴含几分橡木的淡淡余韵。An aromatic nose of ripened fruits, closing with hints of oak.

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过年的炮仗元宵的灯喜庆余韵又欢腾。New Year fireworks lamp yuanxiao festival finish and exultation.

持续的黑梅子和烤橡木味令余韵更为悠长。Persistent blackberries fruits and toasty oak in lingering finish.

丰富而优雅葡萄酒,醋栗果浆口感,余韵悠长。Rich and elegant wine with jammy cassis fruits in lingering finish.

充满樱桃和干枣味道,余韵均衡佳。The taste is full of cherries and dried dates, good balanced finish.

已老林蝉余韵断,将归檐燕强飞回。Finish off the cicada has forests, would go strong to fly back to swallow eaves.

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在他们看来,慵懒随性的生活里透着老上海的余韵。In their view, life with the nature of lazy is the aftertaste of the Old Shanghai.

在上海人看来,慵懒随性的生活里透着海派的余韵。In the eyes of Shanghaines, an indolent and loosening life symbolizes Shanghai style.

宝石红,酒体中等,富黑色浆果味,单宁柔和,余韵佳。Ruby red color wine with berries aroma, medium-bodied, soft tannins and good finishing.

果酸与柔和的单宁颇为平衡,口感稳固而持久,并伴有甜甜的余韵。Bracing acidity and soft tannins on the palate, long and persistent with a sweet finish.

丹宁柔和,口感充满烤橡木和雪笳盒的味道,果实味道持续,余韵悠长。In palate, it has toasty oak and cigar box flavors. Persistent currants fruits in length.

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淡淡的果酸及精致的余韵令其回味颇为悠远,怡人。A touch of acidity and remarkable length in the mouth make a consistently delightful finish.

成熟的红樱桃和红莓配合诱人的香草橡木特性,余韵更为悠长。Ripe red cherry and raspberry combined with charming vanilla oak and black fruits in length.

丹宁充足,充满嘿松露、干香草和烤橡木味道,口感果味十足,余韵悠长。Round and elegant tannins texture with blackcurrant , truffle and new oak, finish in length.