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这是个位于战乱的时代。The story is set in the Sengoku period.

“你必须对结束战乱有所作为,”她表示。“You have to have an end state,” she said.

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有时战乱过后,病疫会随之而来。Sometimes epidemic disease follows right after a war.

火爆的游戏舞台被设定在被战乱不断破坏的非洲大陆。Explosive plotline set amidst a terrible civil war in Africa.

当时,七国争霸,常年战乱,秦是其中一国。It was one of seven states that had been warring for centuries.

法萨罗战役结束了第一次三头统治时期的战乱。The Battle of Pharsalus ended the wars of the First Triumvirate.

在新政权的治理下,这个饱受战乱之苦的国家情况会有所改变。Things in this war- ridden country will change under the new regime.

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在利比亚长达七个月的战乱中,这种指责越来越具有针对性。But the charges grew more pointed during Libya's seven-month conflict.

最简单的例子就是,谁会在战乱中买洗碗机呢?People in the middle of violent political chaos don't buy dishwashers.

人民于连年战乱之后,已亟待休养生息。After years of war and chaos the people urgently needed rehabilitation.

后来槐安国起了战乱。他醒了过来,当他领兵作战失败后。Later a war was coming and he waked when he failed to fight in the war.

多年的战乱使中国无缘世界博览会。For many years war restricted China's at tendance at Wor ld Exhibitions.

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这些文件安然无恙地经过了多年的战乱和发掘。The documents survived unmolested through centuries of war and upheaval.

两个最突出的例子,苏丹和刚果,被长年的战乱和暴政摧毁。The two biggest in area, Sudan and Congo, are ravaged by strife and misgovernment.

饱受战乱的国家/地区的政府尤其承受着创造就业机会的巨大压力。Governments in conflict-affected countries are especially hard pressed to create jobs.

最严重的污染和饱经战乱的地区将在首要领域中。The most heavily polluted, and the war torn ones will be major areas of concentration.

对于伊拉克北部城市提克里特饱受战乱之苦的孤儿们来说,这个巨大的“鞋形雕塑”建在这里再合适不过了。For the war-beaten orphans of the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit, this big old shoe fits.

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他在一次次战乱中、在众多的黄肚皮和白肚皮下留存下来。He were carried through the outstanding dispersions under yellow bellies and chalkiness.

杨洁篪表示,当前利危机仍在持续,利人民饱受战乱之苦,中方对此感到忧虑。Yang said that China is worried about the continuous crisis and the war-torn people in Libya.

他说,战争主题餐厅是一个新创意,但与黎巴嫩近代战乱的历史无关。He said the war theme was a novel concept that has nothing to do with Lebanon's recent history.