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这两个都是温州经济的中流砥柱。Both are mainstays of the Wenzhou economy.

历史上,义务兵一直是解放军的中流砥柱。Historically, conscription was the mainstay of PLA recruitment.

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他是最优秀的英文诗人之一,是现代文学的中流砥柱。His poetic achievement stands at the center of modern literature.

这些企业家们帮助正义与发展党构建了支持力量中的中流砥柱。Their bosses help to form a backbone of support for the AK party.

坎普顿兄弟是阿森纳40年代的中流砥柱。The Compton brothers were mainstays of the Arsenal side in the 1940s.

SLRMcLaren同时也是世界最昂贵汽车榜单的中流砥柱。SLRMcLaren is also the mainstay on the world's most expensive car list.

路易莎,你和亲爱的亨利一定要像以往那样担当中流砥柱啊。Youand dear Henry, Louisa, must stand in the breach as you always have.

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美国迄今并永远是自由和民主的中流砥柱。America is still and always will be the bastion for Freedomand Democracy.

17为统一行动,成立了9.17学习小组,作为英语角的中流砥柱。Sep 17,2010, set up 9.17 learning team as the mainstay of English corner.

每个队都有一个后防领袖,现在加拉就是那个中流砥柱。In any team you have a maestro and at the moment William is doing that job.

那五位具有真才实学的工程师是这个小厂的中流砥柱。The five engineers of real learning are the mainstays of the small factory.

在撒哈拉以南非洲,妇女通常是农业部门的中流砥柱。In sub-Saharan Africa, women are also the backbone of the agricultural sector.

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联合国秘书长潘基文称女王为这个时代的中流砥柱。UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon described the queen as an anchor for our age.

这让一切都变得简单了起来,小罗是巴西国奥队里的中流砥柱。This makes everything easier for everyone. Dinho is a fundamental part of our team.

每一条中流砥柱都有一个高水平的目标,这是作为学生的你需要奋力达成的。Each pillar is associated with a high-level goal you should strive to achieve as a student.

这些学员非常优秀,我深信,他们就是未来重庆经济的中流砥柱。They are so outstanding that I believe they are the future leaders for Chongqing's economy.

国产光辉战机和下一代机应该成为印度空军的中流砥柱。Our indigenous aircrafts, Tejas and its next gen should become the mainstay of our airforce.

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心怀希望和美德,让我们再一次不惧严寒,勇为中流砥柱,不论什么风暴来袭,我们必将坚不可摧。With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, andendure what storms may come.

如果每个人笃信自己能够做出一点改变,那么即使没有政策,我们群众仍然是中流砥柱。If everyone believe oneself can make some change, so even if no policy, we still is the mainstay.

军队作为保卫国家的中流砥柱,是国家发展、社会安定的坚强柱石。As the mainstay of the national defense, military is the pillar of national development and safety.