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连接电荷和磁通量的元件在哪里?Where was the device that connected charge and magnetic flux?

把电流传给电感器,就会产生磁通量。Pass a current through an inductor, and you create a magnetic flux.

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对细小的光环磁通量节点来说,这些问题可能更为严峻。The problem may be even more severe for the small photospheric flux knots.

最后,磁通量随时间改变,产生了我们叫做电压的参数。Finally, magnetic flux varies with time, leading to the quantity we call voltage.

电荷和电流,磁通量和电压,根据它们的解释关联在一起。Charge and current, and magnetic flux and voltage, are connected through their definitions.

近年来,磁通量在激子活化能上的效应引起很大的注意。Recently, the effect of the magnetic flux on the excitonic energy has received much attention.

用数值模拟方法研究了金属管道裂纹尖端磁通量密度的分布情况。The magnetic flux density on the crack tip in a metal pipeline was studied by numerical simulation method.

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但是金属板是一个在窄窄的售票门中实际应用的不可或缺的磁通量会聚工具。But the plate is an essential magnetic flux convergence tool for the slim ticket gates already in practical use.

高性能感应器轴承系封闭式一次润滑轴承,无需后续保养,对磁通量具有超高阻力。Sealed for life, maintenance free, these high performance ball bearings have superior resistance to magnetic flux.

我们提出和分析的一个新实验可以检测任意子和分数磁通量子。We propose and analyse a crucial experiment to test the fractional quantum of magnetic flux as well as any" -on"s.

电流产生了磁场,导致第三个变量的产生-磁通量,它表示磁场的强弱。Currents create magnetic fields, leading to a third variable, magnetic flux, which characterises the field's strength.

只要穿过闭合电路的磁通量发生变化,闭合电路中就产生感应电流。The size of flux through the closed electric circuit changing there is induced current in the closed electric circuit.

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只要穿过闭合电路的磁通量发生变化,闭合电路中就产生感应电流。The size of flux through the closed electric circuit changing, there is induced current in the closed electric circuit.

计算旋转着的线圈中的电动势的主要问题是求出线圈中随时间而变化的磁通量。The main problem to calculate the emf within a rotating coil is to find out the magnetic flux which is changing with time.

磁场强度,磁通量密度,矫顽力,垂直轴风力发电机,稀土钕铁硼永磁材料。Magnetic Field Intensity, Magnetic Flux Density, Coercive Force, Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, NdFeB Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet.

一般原理均是使用通过线圈的磁通量变化感应的电动势。The common principle is the use of the induction of an electromotive force by the variation of the magnetic flux through a coil.

研究表明,电磁制动的控制效果与浇铸速度、水口角度和磁通量密度有关。The research showed that the control result of electromagnetic brake was related to casting speed, mould angle and magnetic flux density.

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本文结合工程实践,介绍了蝴蝶型拱桥采用新型叉耳式吊杆的安装、张拉施工技术及磁通量传感器的应用。Based on construction experience, this paper present installation and tensioning works using new model boom for butterfly type arch bridge.

绝对零度下,输入、输出网孔中电荷和磁通量不确定度的乘积保持相等。At absolute zero point temperature, the uncertainty relation of both charge and magnetic flux in the input mesh or in the output mesh is constant.

文中简要地介绍了这种系列测试设备中的相位测试仪、阻尼测试仪、失真度测试仪及磁通量测试仪。Several meters of the set, such as phase detector, damping tester, distortion meter and magnetic-flux detector, are briefly introduced in the paper.