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我是一朵柳絮。I'm a willow catkin.

我是一朵柳絮。I'am a willow catkin.

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柳絮轻轻沾上我发梢。Catkins do know how to touch my hair.

就在那个柳絮飘零的季节。Falling on the catkins of the season.

柳絮在空中飞舞。Willow catkins are fluttering in the air.

待柳絮落尽,夏天也就到了。When all catkins fall, summer will get in.

午醉醒来,柳絮飞撩乱。Afternoon, woke up drunk, catkins fly sick.

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你没看见空中飘着柳絮吗?。Don't you see the catkins swimming in the air?

微风拂过,飞舞的柳絮仿佛是漫天的雪花。When a breeze blows, catkins are flying into the air like snow.

不堪柳絮催行客,也有桃花似故人。Bear catkins reminder Xingke, there are also peach like old friends.

他们是闻甜的新草和柳树柳絮花的第一。They are the first to smell the sweet new grasses and the willow catkins.

看着漫天的柳絮,微风拂过枝头,落了一地的白。The catkins look at sky, the breeze blew the branches, down to the white one.

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褐色的柳树在水里来回摆著,开了花的柳絮就象黄色的拇指纹。The ochre-branched willows swayed stif y, pollened catkins like yellow thumbprints.

你走去的时候,这飞舞的柳絮又仿佛漫天的雪花,揭开一个冷酷的谜底。When you walk, which filled the air of the catkins is like snow, opened a cold mystery.

墙角、花坛旁、草丛中、走廊边,都成了柳絮聚集的地方。Corner, flower bed beside the bush, the corridor side, have become gathering place for catkins.

爱的丝也如四月的柳絮一般飞舞着,迷乱着我们的眼,雪一般覆盖着视线。The silk of love is just like the willow in April with its snow-like flowers seducing our eyes.

春天来了,杨树和柳树也开花了,随之而来的是毛茸茸的白色杨柳絮。It's an annual spring phenomenon that occurs with the blossoming of local poplar and willow trees.

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春风拂过,柳絮纷纷离开柳树妈妈的怀抱,踏上浪漫的旅途。Spring wind blowing, willow catkins are leaving her mother's embrace, embark on a romantic journey.

回家的路上我聊以自嘲地想,飘舞的柳絮时不时亲吻我的双眼。I thought to myself ironically on my way back home as the drifting catkins occasionally kissed my eyes.

那一天,北京的天空中飞扬着柳絮,如雪,亦如我所追寻的预言。On that day, catkins were flying in the air of Beijing, like snow, also like the presage in my pursuit.