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安妮在冰雪节的造型。Annie at Jack Frost.

寿桃造型准确。Peach is accurate shape.

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兵种造型看起来怎么样?So how do they look like?

刚看到时那造型真像剃刀!It likes a razor at sight!

我喜欢我的新造型。I think I like this new look.

共有猪、狗和牛三在造型。Choose from Pig, Dog, and Cow.

超乎其他的造型魔导士之上。Shape than the other top mage.

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每一个造型都具有日本风情。Every look had a Japanese feel.

我不知道为什么,它是造型的一部分。I dunno. It's part of the look.

它的造型是运动感和现代感。It shape is athletic and modern.

哇,蜘蛛人,我超爱你的新造型。Whoa, Spidey, love the new outfit.

人体工学造型,使用更顺手。Ergonomic shape for easy to handle.

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造型独特的塞特购物中心。Scitech Plaza with a unique design.

血滴在兔子造型的草叶上。Blood flecks grass of the rabbit form.

在斯密特眼里,这个造型很出彩。To Schmidt's eye, the shape stood out.

有些菜肴甚至都没通过造型这一关。Some don't even pass the dazzling test.

你觉得我的新造型如何?What do you think about my new out fit?

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某专家对明星造型的评价An expert rates the scruff of the stars.

这是专属于白皮肤的造型。It's a look that's all about white skin.

我没认出新造型的安!I didn't recognize Ann with her new look!