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老两口开了一家客栈。The old couple kept an inn.

老两口收养了一个儿子。The old couple adopted a son.

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老两口的脸在短暂的霓虹中微微闪光。The two old people shimmered in brief rainbows.

我们老两口住三间南房。We elderly couples live in these three southern rooms.

老两口虽然很穷,但从不请求施舍。Poor as they were, the old couple never asked for charity.

老两口卖掉了那幢大房子,搬进了小平房。The old couple sell that large house and move into a small bungalow.

老两口为他们的小不点儿子感到十分自豪。The poor ploughman and his wife were very proud of their little son.

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老两口卖掉了那幢大房子,搬进了小平房。The old couple sold that large house and moved into a small bungalow.

骗走了老两口的珠宝,那人便马上就离开了。After diddling the old couple out of their jewel, the man left immediately.

老两口在靠墙的一张桌边坐下,从托盘里开始拿起食物吃起来。The couple took a table near the wall and started taking food off the tray.

赵父气得咳嗽不止,说再也没有这个儿子,回到家,老两口伤心不已。Zhao Fu spirit coughed, never says the son, at home, the old couple is shocked.

赵父气得咳嗽不止,说再也没有这个儿子,回到家,老两口伤心不已。Zhao father gas cough more than, said no longer the son, back home, old two sad.

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最后只好告诉常江明天老两口去给宁彩霞赔礼道歉。Finally had to tell the old couple to NingCaiXia Chang Jiang tomorrow to apologize.

一天,老两口把鸡赶到晒谷场上偷吃别人谷子。One day, the couple herded chicken onto the grain-sunning ground to eat others' grain.

老两口已年过50,都是上海公交公司的老员工。The parents, in their 50s, are both longtime employees of Shanghai's public bus company.

最后只好告诉常江明天老两口去给宁彩霞赔礼道歉。Finally had to tell ChangJiang tomorrow the old couple to give NingCaiXia extend an apology.

老两口的女儿工作很忙,外孙由亲家带着。Their daughter is busy with her job, and their grandson is cared for by their son-in-law’s parents.

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常丽给常江介绍新女友的做法得到了老两口及常兰的坚决反对。ChangLi to introduce his new ChangJiang practice got the old couple and the ChangLan firmly opposed.

当那位老先生开始吃炸土豆条时,其中一个年轻人站起来,走到老两口的桌边,彬彬有礼地主动要为老两口买一份吃的。As the man began to eat his French fries one young man stood and came over to the old couple's table.

老两口开了门。杰克的妈妈眼含热泪,伸手把谢丽尔抱住。His parents open the gate. Jack's mother's eyes are swimming in tears. She reaches out to hug Cheryl.