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五年后,两人分道扬镳。They divorced five years later.

后来他和马西分道扬镳Later he and Massey parted ways.

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然后他们就分道扬镳了。Then they go their separate ways.

我们双方只能在互道祝福后分道扬镳。We parted wishing each other well.

后来,我们分道扬镳。Finally, we went our separate ways.

我们还是互道再见,分道扬镳吧。We may as well exchange good-by and go separate ways.

多登纳和塔隆分道扬镳,都转入地下。Dodonna and Tallon parted ways, with both going into hiding.

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此前,休格兰特最著名的恋情就是和女星伊丽莎白赫利的爱情马拉松,俩人在一起13年,却在2000年分道扬镳。Grant's best known relationship was with actress Elizabeth Hurley.

震惊之余,阿马斯第一次开始抨击他,然后分道扬镳。Horrified , Mr Chanes de Armas first punched him, then drifted away.

其开放的解决方案令其与微软分道扬镳。Its open approach will be what sets the company apart from Microsoft.

2004年电影一完成,莱昂纳多和卡西便分道扬镳了。Once the 2004 film wrapped, Leo and Kasi let go or rather parted ways.

他们中有40人以上在众议院的气候变化方案上分道扬镳。Over 40 of them broke ranks in the House over the climate-change bill.

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双方达成一致,绝不相互指责,继而分道扬镳。The two sides agreed not to criticize each other and went separate ways.

如果宇宙呈马鞍形反向弯曲,平行光线就会分道扬镳。In a negatively curved, saddle-shaped universe, parallel beams would diverge.

这伙人根据各自的爱好,又从这里分道扬镳。From this place the party again diverged , according to their several fancies.

然而,分道扬镳是不太可能的–至少比危机发生前的概率要小。However, a break-up is improbable-and less likely than it was before the crisis.

纠纷最终在仲裁中得以解决,但两家公司确是彻底的分道扬镳了。The matter was finally settled in arbitration, and the two companies parted ways.

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鲸豚听觉的演化到了后期,齿鲸与须鲸就分道扬镳了。Later in the evolution of whale hearing, the toothed and baleen whales parted ways.

我想如今专一能做的便是制止会商,然后分道扬镳吧。I guess the only thing to do now is call a halt to this negotiation and part, friend.

然而直到看到那些结婚照,她才正式决定要和丈夫分道扬镳。It wasn't until she saw the wedding photos that she finally began divorce proceedings.