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昨天晚上年夜卫产生了什么事?。What happened to David last night?

上年的植树节,我种了两棵树。Last Arbor Day I planted two trees.

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再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个虐待狂了。His dotage simply made him more sadistic.

再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个狂了。His dotage simply do he abundance sadistic.

上年同期公司盈利633.34万元。Last year, the company profit 6333400 yuan.

上年炎天我以及我家人去了海里游泳。I went swimming with my family in the sea last summer.

在门外的走廊上年轻的子爵感到不悦和扫兴。Outside in the passage the young Vicomte was angry and unhappy.

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如果你是在香港的话,你可以到旺角花园街找找,因为我上年也是在那儿买的。What kind of Yarn is that? I want to buy it, but can't find it.

上年炎天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家。last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.

从地图上年,那个海角就像一只调皮地翘起来的鼻子。On the map that promontory looks like a nose, naughtily turned up.

强生公司计划在本月晚些时候报告上年第四季度的销售情况。The company plans to report fourth-quarter results later this month.

有线电话线路为121,769门,较上年有所增加。Wired telephone lines to 121,769, an increase from the year earlier.

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最近几个月,他公司的订单数较上年同期下滑了至多一半。In recent months, his orders have fallen as much as half from a year ago.

如果他上年接管了我的奉劝,他此刻就是一名乐成的商贾了。If he had taken my advice last year, he would be a successful businessman now.

这样,他和他的子孙便可在以色列中,在国位上年长日久。Then he and his descendants will reign a long time over his kingdom in Israel.

上年的四月到六月这个季度,它公布盈利3536亿日元。For the April-June quarter last year, it had posted a 353.6 billion yen profit.

中东北非地区的增长率在2004年从上年的5.5%放缓至5.1%。MENA' growth slowed to 5.1 percent in 2004, down from 5.5 percent the year before.

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上年夜学后,本人认识到本身曾经累计了一年的学分。When I reached college, I realized that I had accumulated a year's worth of credits.

加上上年结转收入559.87亿元,可安排使用的收入总量3085.53亿元。Added to the 55.987 billion yuan from 2007, total revenue came to 308.553 billion yuan.

经济学家们估计,8月份折合成年率的预售屋销售量为440,000套,与上年同期持平。Economists estimate an annualized sales pace of 440,000 units, flat from a year earlier.