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正电极双层印刷。Finger double printing.

这会不会是印刷错误?Could this be a misprint?

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可用于网版印刷。Usable for screen printing.

旧印刷物上的鲜艳色彩。The sunset glows with color.

他在1455年就印刷了圣经。He printed the Bible in 1455.

每页都有印刷错误。Misprints occur on every page.

每一页都有印刷的错误。Misprints occur on every page.

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直到那时书才被印刷出来。Only then is the book printed.

烦请通知印刷工厂。Pls kindly inform printing fty.

吹膜,印刷,制袋,冲口。Blowing, printing, bag, blurted.

德勤从未为多元印刷签署任何报告。DTT never signed a report on DYP.

他看漏了一个印刷错误。He overlooked a printer 's error.

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又称无压力印刷。Also called Pressureless printing.

他所说的是“任何一本印刷过的图书。”He said "every book ever printed."

我在这书里发现两处印刷错误。I found two misprints in the book.

这本书用大号铅字印刷。The book is printed in large type.

错误的印刷导致很大的混淆。The misprint led to great confusion.

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检查并确定印刷出版商。Check out print-on-demand publishers.

印刷滚筒采用电动调整。Print roller is motorized adjustment.

这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。The editor over looked a print error.