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朱迪思来看望了我。Judith paid me a visit.

孙老师一周去看望他爷爷两次。Mr. Sun goes to a week.

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他路过时曾顺便来看望过。He looked in when passing.

我专程来看望你的。I come here just to see you.

他的朋友难得看望他。His friends seldom visit him.

她女儿特地来看望她。A special visit from her daughter.

他去看望亡妻的旅程。The journey to see his dying wife.

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比?天天都?看望康尼。Bill viwebsited Connie eactual day.

他昨天晚上去看望了姨母。He went to see his aunt last night.

有时他顺路去看望叔叔。Sometimes he dropped in on his uncle.

我想我应该顺道去看望他。I think I must see him on my way there.

我要往看望在迈阿稀的母亲。I would like to see my mother in Miami.

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我常在周末去看望我姑母。I often go to visit my aunt at weekends.

你要去看望你的叔叔和婶婶吧?Do you plan to visit your aunt and uncle?

我婶子和叔叔常来看望他们。My aunt and uncle often come to see them.

你来看望父母时顺便到我这里来坐坐。Drop in whenever u come to see ur parents.

我要在下周去看望我的朋友林华。I shall visit my friend Lin Hua next week.

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不过她还是很喜欢去佩格姨妈家里看望她。Still, she loved her visits to Aunt Peg's.

感恩节那天,我们去看望奶奶。On Thanksgiving, we go to visit my grandma.

明天我要去看望祖父母。E. g. I'm visiting my grandparents tomorrow.