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该团由一支铜管乐队引导。A brass band led the regiment.

他们约请我加盟他们铜管乐队。They invited me to join their brass band.

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许多工人都在工厂铜管乐队中演奏。Many of the workers play in the factory's brass band.

由学校铜管乐队助兴。School brass band will provide music for entertainment.

以铜管乐队般美妙的声音宣布他们的到来。They announced themselves with the subtlety of a brass band.

走在游行队伍前头的是一个铜管乐队。Marching at the head of the parading procession was a brass band.

通常由阿尔卑斯号角、铜管乐队和鼓乐队伴奏。This music is played, typically by alphorn, brass bands and drum corps.

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我们这里每年夏天都会举办一个盛大的铜管乐节日,并且还有各种各样好玩的东西。We have a huge brass band festival with all sorts of fun things every summer.

救世军铜管乐队,弦乐功放音箱,和声乐群体存在,世界各地。Salvation Army brass bands, string combos, and vocal groups exist the world over.

发展成熟的拉丁管弦乐队逐渐有了铜管乐队及弦乐队。A full-blown Latin orchestra grew to include a brass section and a string section.

在1994至2000年期间,他担任亚洲青年管弦乐团的小号及铜管乐之驻团导师。From 1994 to 2000 he was the Trumpet Faculty and a brass coach of the Asian Youth Orchestra.

爵士乐于19世纪晚期兴起于城市黑人区的大铜管乐队。It started among the big brass bands of the city's black ghettos at the end of the 19th century.

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许多矿井工人在铜管乐队的伴奏下回去工作,这些返工者的前进行列被称为“忠诚游行”。Many pits marched back to work behind brass bands, in processions that were dubbed "Loyalty Parades".

圣乔治大厅原来是主办铜管乐队,其中的一个新的热门娱乐的当天。St. George's Hall was originally built to host brass bands, which were a favorite entertainment of the day.

一个由2000到3000白人矿工组成的铜管乐队吹着“大不列颠颂”注在华工营地游行。A full brass band trumpeting "Rule Britannia " fuelled 2000 to 3000 white diggers marching on the Chinese camp.

整个巡游队伍将由10多辆彩车组成多个方阵,包括铜管乐演奏、杂技、COSPLAY等多种表演形式。The parade will come in matrixes laid out by over 10 floats and performances such as brass playing, acrobatics , and COSPLAY.

这部分范围较广,涉及很多方面,使铜管乐手可以在面试和演奏中更加自信,更加有修养。These two parts involve so much that will make brass instrument players more confident and cultured in aninterview or a performance.

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将目光聚焦,着重对其在铜管乐方面所做出的成就与贡献进行了详细论述。The thesis will mainly focus on the third part and make a detailed discussion in light of his contributions and achievements in brasses.

很久很久,那条路上没有一个人走过,在绿色山峦的四周以内,能够听到的人类声音只有那隐约传来的铜管乐队的音乐声。Not a soul passed that way for a long while, and the faint notes of the band were the only human sounds audible within the rim of blue hills.

再有就是如何准备面试和关于审美的探讨,这部分不仅适用于小号手,也适用于其他的铜管乐手。What's more, the interview and aesthetic part are not only suitable for trumpet players, there are also good for other brass instrument players.