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成本也是个天文数字。And the cost can be astronomical.

我们最终得到的Q是一个天文数字。Turns out, it is an astronomical number.

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我们应该为这个天文数字般的错误率感到惊讶吗?Should this astronomical error rate surprise us?

“其花费将是一个天文数字,”他说。“The cost would be a ridiculous figure,” he says.

那么你会有天文数字的系统状态。So you have this astronomical number of system states.

实时全息图像需要天文数字的比特量。Real-time holography requires astronomical amounts of bits.

是什么背后的故事命名的一些“天文数字”?What was the story behind the naming of the number "googol"?

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仅仅来自大陆的需求就是一个天文数字。The demand from the mainland alone is going to be astronomical.

阅读一系列的质数就像是盯着一大堆的天文数字。Reading through a list of primes is like staring at hieroglyphs.

该行业的足迹方面的生产基地已种植天文数字。The industry's footprint in terms of manufacturing sites has grown astronomically.

现时,全球首两位富巴菲特与盖茨,他们的总资产值简直是天文数字。Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are the two richest men in America and very close friends.

看到这样的天文数字,人们脑海中必然会浮现资源短缺与混乱无序的景象。Numbers of this magnitude inevitably conjure up terrifying visions of shortage and chaos.

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要知道,互联网上重复的垃圾的网页已经是个天文数字了。Want to know, the webpage of rubbish of the reduplicative on Internet has been astronomical.

尽管被瞒报低报,中国官方的煤矿死亡率还是天文数字。Even if underreported, the official death rate for China’s coal mines is astronomically high.

他认为一周来招待客人们吃喝的账单一定是个‘天文数字’。He claimed that the bill for wining and dining the guests for a week would be "astronomical".

此数目不大,但对家贫的小孩来说,就是一个天文数字。Even though dog is not expensive, but to a boy from a poor family, it is still a very big amount.

即使这整个计划被证明可能,成本也是一个天文数字----这纯粹是在开玩笑。Even if this whole scheme was proven possible, the costs would be astronomical — pun fully intended.

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以今天的标准来说,把你的音乐推广到哪怕是几千个乐迷手中在过去来说也是一个天文数字。In the pastthe cost of pushing your music out to even a few thousand fans wasastronomical by today’s standards.

虽然这个距离比天文数字还大,但这不会让你分身存在的真实性打任何折扣。This distance is so large that it is beyond astronomical, but that does not make your doppelg?nger any less real.

但可以想象,美国从世界货币市场上总计获得的铸币税必是天文数字。But can imagine, the United States from the world currency market gained a total of Seigniorage will be astronomical.