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不过还是有些东西我们目前是暂缓执行的。There are still some things that we’re holding back.

北京暂缓了所有海外电影的上映档期。Beijing has imposed a moratorium on new foreign films.

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这可能也是促进暂缓密松大坝决定的一个因素。This was probably a factor in the Myitsone dam decision.

我学到暂缓做评论,直至几个月后,这样我就可以更客观。But i like this nothing-feeling, it can make me more objective.

第四家附属公司达成暂缓起诉协议。A fourth subsidiary entered into a deferred prosecution agreement.

日本立即做出反应,暂缓对美国长粒大米的进口。Still, Japan quickly suspended imports of American long-grain rice.

林肯总统所采取的另一行动是暂缓执行人身保护权令。Another action that he took was to suspend the right of habeas corpus.

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不过请别把这个误解成暂缓使用模式验证的借口。However, don’t mistake this as an excuse for shelving schema validation.

血液暂缓流动的附带结果之一即为血液的暂时淤积。A by-product of this halt to blood-flow is the temporary backup of blood.

人民币存款疾速增长的暂缓可能让一些人舒了口气。A pause in the breakneck growth of yuan deposits may be a relief to some.

一些人呼吁暂缓生产生物燃料。Some people are calling for a moratorium on the production of bio-fuels.

这样的天气,我们还是暂缓把花移种出去。The weather is such that we had better not plant out the flowers for some time.

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抚恤基金企望高回报,这一不争的事实应该让政客们暂缓一下了。The fact that pension funds are hoping for high returns should make politicians pause.

警方已经暂缓对这19个村的居民申请赴外旅游和探望旁系亲属颁发护照。They suspended issuing passports for overseas travel and visits to collateral relatives.

委员会建议沙耶武里电站暂缓修建,理由是需要进一步评估这12座水坝可能造成的影响。The commission says more work is needed to assess the effect of having 12 hydropower dams.

现在,greenpois0n被暂缓,因为他们要重写软件,与Limera1n使用同一个弱点。Greenpois0n is now being delayed as they re-write it to use the same vulnerability as Limera1n.

因此,我国政府应该暂缓采纳T11标准,灵活运用托盘贸易技术壁垒来保护国内产品市场。Therefore China should delay to adopt T11 and use pallet as TBT to protect Chinese goods market.

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菲律宾正处于一个25年的暂缓使用核能的时期,到2022年为止。The Philippines is under a 25-year moratorium on the use of nuclear energy which expires in 2022.

这个短视的暂缓行为使得痼疾在身的一些银行例如花旗的股价得以大幅提升。The short-sighted reprieve led to a huge rally in the shares of stricken banks such as Citigroup.

由于暂缓新建球场令的问题,他们就在合同中写进了我们不得公开谈论此事这一项。Because of moratorium issues, they'll put in the contract that we're not supposed to talk about it.