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什么是“花粉热”?What is hay fever?

我对花粉过敏。I'm allergic to farina.

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我想我有花粉热。I think I have hay fever.

由于花粉的过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My e itch.

并且花粉可被风吹行数英里。And pollen can blow for miles.

花粉红色,直径约8毫米。Flowers pink, ca. 8 mm in diam.

由于花粉过敏,我的眼睛刺痒难受。I have hay fever. My eyes itch.

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花常常由蜜蜂传授花粉。Flowers are often pollinated by bees.

成熟花粉为二细胞型。The mature pollen grain is of 2-cell.

天竺葵柱头上的花粉颗粒。Grains of pollen on a geranium stigma.

花药雄蕊中有花粉的部分。The pollen- bearing part of the stamen.

严寒或酷暑时,为着花粉,疲于奔命。Cold or heat, for the pollen, exhausted.

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花粉粒半具角在极面观。Pollen gra in semiangular in polar view.

花粉通过风传播到雌蕊上。Pollen is carried to the pistil by wind.

花粉症是由户外过敏原。Hay fever is caused by outdoor allergens.

中国藤黄科植物花粉形态的研究。Pollen morphology of Guttiferae in China.

花粉壁具疣状雕纹。Pollen wall is decorated with warty dots.

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在这一夜里,白星海芋会让花粉落在苍蝇身上。During the night, it drops pollen on them.

梨属植物花粉形态的观察研究。Observation on pollen morphology of Pyrus.

银莲花属花粉形态的研究。Studies on pollen morphology of Anemone L.