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你绝不会知道,他也许在搞阴谋诡计。You never know he may be foxing.

这座宫殿曾是阴谋诡计的策源地。The palace was a nest of intrigue.

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他揭露了敌人的一切阴谋诡计。He exposed all the tricks of the enemy.

你是个耍阴谋诡计的小魔鬼,对不对?You're a scheming little devil, aren't you?

但是之前也肯定有过阴谋诡计But they surely must have done it before too.

而使用阴谋诡计只能让事情变得更糟。Such machinations will likely only get worse.

我比较喜欢阴谋诡计,希望不要太接近我。I prefer intrigue, don't want too close to me.

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他讲述了俄国沙皇政府的种种阴谋诡计。He told about the intrigues of the Tsar's government.

依我的经验,多数情况下并不存在什么阴谋诡计。In my experience, in most cases there is no hidden agenda.

不行!我们不能让你们用这种阴谋诡计把我们控制起来!Nothing doing! We won't let you control us by such tricks!

政治家不再处于统治地位,贪污腐败天天在滋长,阴谋诡计代替了公共美德,一切都在变腐朽。Intrigue took the place of public virtue, and all deteriorated.

搞清楚来龙去脉后,我告诉老爸这是罗德里克的阴谋诡计,他才是。After I did, I told Dad that Rodrick had played a trick on me, and.

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搞阴谋诡计的人注定要失败。Those who go in for intrigues and conspiracy are doomed to failure.

总想搞点阴谋诡计,可总是被人家一眼就看穿!Always want to make some intrigue, can always be at a glance through!

更有甚者,每当好莱坞拍摄某个商业题材的影片时,总是描述成一群骗子无赖的阴谋诡计。Or worse. Every time Hollywood depicts an industry, it depicts a conspiracy of knaves.

他们表面讲什么民主政治,背地里搞他妈的阴谋诡计。They talked about so-called democracy all the time, but privately make fucking intrigue.

我也相信要想有说服力与耍阴谋诡计无关。I also believe that being persuasive has nothing to do with using sneaky or underhanded tactics.

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这样,你就不会因为对方的阴谋诡计或你自己的情绪而失态。And you'll be less likely to get thrown off course by either thwarting ploys or your own emotions.

没人能忽略他平息各种政治阴谋诡计的禀赋。One cannot overlook his uncanny ability to navigate the many political intrigues and maneuverings.

阴谋诡计是泰斯拉的专长,即使他在成为哨兵同盟的“客人”之前也是如此。And conniving was Tesla's specialty, even before he availed himself of the Sentinels' hospitalities.