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有军方撑腰的政府对新闻进行了严格审查。The military-backed government has heavily censored the news.

没了政府撑腰,私人企业掏起钱来心不甘情不愿。Without strong government backing, the private sector was loth to fork out.

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一旦有人撑腰,这帮家伙就变得胆大包天。Now that they were backed up, these fellows became audacious in the extreme.

仅仅只是因为政府在撑腰,许多这样的市场还在维持。Many of these markets are operating only because the government is propping them up.

有火星给你撑腰是个巨大的优势,因为火星会带给你迷人的气质。Having Mars at your side is a big advantage, for Mars will help bring out your charms.

因此,技术提供商此时挺身而出为报业撑腰也就不足为奇。So it's no surprise that technology providers are stepping forward to offer their backing.

伊拉克同桌,以前老被伊拉克欺负,幸好有班长撑腰。Iraq shares a table, before is always bullied by Iraq, has class leader to support luckily.

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他要利用统计数字,正如醉汉之利用电灯柱--非为借光,实为撑腰。He uses statistics as a drunken man use lamp -post-for support rather than for illumination.

这时,所有拒绝为蒋介石撑腰的人都受到诋毁,非难之声一浪高过一浪,汇成了喧嚣一时的大合唱。The denunciation of all those who had refused to play Chiang's game swelled to a mighty chorus.

作为惠普董事会的一名新成员,惠特曼有董事会撑腰,而且她很可能会照其旨意行事。As a recent board member, Whitman has the support of the board and is likely to act on its ideas.

夫人一直对素芸姐姐这么好,一定会为她撑腰的。The lady is forever so good to elder sister of vegetable Yun, will definitely give assist as her.

星期四,反政府军发表声明说,法国为代比总统的政府撑腰,是个沉重的负担。On Thursday, the rebels released a statement saying France has a heavy responsibility in backing Mr.

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三个月后,这家有沃伦巴菲特撑腰的公司生产的50辆E6型电动车就上路了。Fifty e6 cabs, made by the Warren Buffett-backed automaker, hit the roads in the city three months later.

当然,中国政府财大气粗,如出现任何问题,都会站出来给大银行撑腰。Of course, China's government has deep pockets and will stand behind the big banks if any problems arise.

是浑厚的后台撑腰也罢,是凭自己真实的本事当上的也罢。The background is simple and honest no matter whether the backing is a real talent on their own when the loss.

并扬言要把潘达所做的事情上报日本人,潘达没有了办法,又找周淮海为他撑腰。And threatened to elevate the pan to do Japanese, pan of have no way, find zhou huai hai backing for him again.

这是一个由美国撑腰的自由贸易区,加入将导致关税降低并参与到这个巨大的商品与服务市场之中。This is an American-backed free-trade zone that could lead to a lowering of tariffs on a huge swath of goods and services.

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如今他的父亲是医院的最大股东,他仗着有父亲撑腰,早已不把高母放在眼里。Now his father is the largest shareholder of the hospital, he relied on his father backing, had not put high parent in the eyes.

现在日本决定重回军国主义和帝国主义,美国给他撑腰对抗中国就如同1905年支持日本对俄罗斯作战一样。Now Japan is deciding to return to militarism and imperialism, and the US is backing them up just as it did against the Russians in 1905.

但是,现在全美的山林野兽海洋鱼鸟,生存都受到了气候变迁的威胁,保护法案此时能为它们撑腰吗?But, now that U.S. species from mountainsides to tropical seas are threatened by climate change, can it be used to fight a global problem?