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您支持单一销售税制还是双销售税制?。Do you prefer a single–tax or a two-taxes system?

在某种意义上,这种税制结构是退化的So, in a sense, the tax structure was regressive.

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每一个税制漏洞都有许多剽悍的防卫者。Each of the tax code's loopholes has fierce defenders.

她把自己的政治前程押在税制改革上,结果赌输了。She staked her political career on tax reform, and lost.

税制可被定义成积累公共收入的制度。Taxation can be defined as a system of raising pubic revenue.

我国目前的税制体系仍然是以间接税为主。China's current tax system remains dominated by indirect taxes.

您同意HST税制能为政府节省开支吗?Do you agree the HST tax system can reduce government expenditures?

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通过的价值增值的公司税制改革和税收减免。A the adoption of value-added tax reform and tax relief for the company.

最后一个建议是改革美国异常繁复的税制系统。The third idea is to reform America’s monstrously complicated tax system.

苏里曼一世同时推行了一系列教育、立法、税制和刑事方面的改革。Suleiman also made educational, legislative, taxation and criminal reforms.

自上次于1986年进行重大税制改革以来,所得税税基日渐削弱。Theincome tax base hasbeen whittled away since the last big reform in 1986.

PNHP相信一个计划可以通过真正的累计税制获得筹集。PNHP believes this program should be financed by truly progressive taxation.

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税制可以用最适税收理论以外的其它标准来评价。Tax systems may be evaluated by standards other than those of optimal tax theory.

晋唐人丁为本税制是我国著名的农业税制。People-oriented tax institution between Jin Dynasty and Tang Dynasty is very famous.

流转税在税制的设计和实施过程中存在一些问题。There exist some problems in the process of enacting and operating the circulation tax.

在改革税制中,你们和下面的省份没有遇到任何比较强烈的对抗吗?In changing the tax system, haven’t you and the provinces had any pretty fierce struggle?

然而,在我国现行税制中,个人所得税却被公众认为是税收流失最严重的税种。However, it is also regarded as the most seriously evasive tax all the taxations in China.

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完善地方税制是我国分税制改革的内在要求。Perfecting local tax system in china is the inherent demand of classification of tax system.

②然而,桑税在宋代出现绝非偶然现象,它是唐宋之际两税法税制变迁的直接结果。The mulberry tax in Song dynasty was an important component of the regular tax in two-tax law.

第二部分是我国涉农税制现状分析。The second part is the current situation analysis of agriculture involved tax system of china.