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月黑风高杀人夜。Moon dark wind high kill man night.

贝拉,遇到你之前,我的生活就好似月黑风高的夜晚,漆黑一片。Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night.

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月黑风高的晚上,小李遇见一个鬼,那鬼竟吓得落荒而逃,怎么回事?On one dark night, Li met a ghost, however, it ran away, how comes?

在一个月黑风高的夜里,他终于失踪了,再也没人见过他。Then one wild, dark night with a rough sea, he disappeared and was seen no more.

每个月黑风高的晚上,他就藏在猪圈里,一边看着嫦娥一边流哈喇子。Every night, he would hide inside the pig sty, drooling all over his shirts while watching her.

在一个月黑风高之夜,你花钱雇了一个高手,直接将你的招牌放置在邻居的招牌前面。You pay someone to move your sign directly in front of the neighbor's in the middle of the night.

在一个月黑风高的下午,忽然耶路撒冷方向,驰来了一小队人马。Black wind high in the afternoon a month, suddenly the direction of Jerusalem, galloping to a team troops.

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在月黑风高的晚上,在恐怖危机的大厦里,充满了僵尸,鬼魂,煤泥,蜘蛛和其他海洋生物。On Heifeng high in the evening, the terrorist crisis in the building, full of zombies, ghosts, slime, spiders and other marine life.

于是在本月初一个月黑风高的晚上,孔子的铜像就从天门广场消失了,而公众未得到任何解释。So, in the dark of night earlier this month, that Confucius statue disappeared from Tiananmen Square without any public explanation.

本图所示的美丽三角形黄道光,在月黑风高、无城市光污染的区域观测才最佳。This image beautifully captures the zodiacal light, a triangular glow seen best in night skies free of overpowering moonlight and light pollution.

在一个月黑风高之夜,小偷握紧风筝,同伙将风筝放入空中,然后将风筝拽至古塔附近,以便偷取黄金。One dark windy night , the thief caught hold of the kite. his friends raised the kite into the air. Then they moved the kite near the top of the to steal the gold.

味道很嫩很鲜美,走出饭店,先是灯火辉煌,没有车灯,然后就是月黑风高,海水泛着月光,就像吃大海虾,蘸着酸酸的醋。Tastes very tender and delicious, out of the hotel, first the bright lights, no car lights, then black, seawater is reflecting the moonlight, like to eat the sea shrimp, dip in sour vinegar.