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人类意想的力量能移山。The power of human intent can move mountains.

你透过有意识的意想正在预报这个新时代。You are heralding this era through conscious intention.

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对于这些空想家,我们可以说他们意想天开,不切实际。About such dreamers , we say they "have their heads in the clouds."

当一个人合成时,他也能意想“在时空中消失”。As one synthesizes, one can also intend to "disappear in time and space".

意想是来自于无意识瘾性并渴望去逃避痛苦的吗?Is the intent from the unconscious addiction and desire to escape the pain?

没有一个方法比一意想减损别人的价值更来得容易摇撼自己的价值。There is no readier way for a man to bring his own worth into question, than by.

当我发明这本书时,我熬头次意想到乐成可以被规划。When Idiscovered thellos book Irealized for the first time that success can be planned.

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若能克服对电脑恐怕心理,人生会更多彩多姿,好处是意想的。Overcoming you apprehension of computers may enrich your life in ways you'd never imagined.

从地球到银河之外的旅行,是一趟到意想所及的最虚空之处的行程。A trip from the earth to beyond the Milky Way is a journey to the emptiest places imaginable.

越来越多的许多人已经意想到健康的重要性。An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the significance of health maintainence.

你只要手握酊剂数分种,同时做这个意想,而它将会如是。Simply hold the tincture in your hand for a few minutes with this intention and so it will be.

坚持轻松自然,步伐要稳重、轻灵,意想气贯入丹田、涌泉穴。Persist relaxed pace to stable, light and agile, we expected gas penetration pubic region, Yongquan.

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第五道印是个题外话,没有意想中的马。The fifth seal has something like a digression, the fifth seal is not another horse like you expect.

其时,一些意想到他们曾不停在误用自由意志的禀赋,因而回归到了以圣光显化中。When some realized that they were misusing their gift of free will, they returned to manifesting in the light.

固执的将你的努力投入到一个路径,你失去了意想之外的——但更加直接的——通往成功的路径。By rigidly pouring all of your effort into one approach, you miss out on unexpected—but more direct—paths to success.

这里,有一个可以让酒与烟草服务提升的使用方法,然而它需要绝对神圣的意想来如此做。There is a use of alcohol and tobacco that can serve, however it requires the absolute intent of sacredness to do so.

我平居为媒体对单身只身女性的进攻和诬蔑而认为利诱,直到有一天我意想到这里边的猫腻。It used to baffle me why the media loved to do a hatchet job on single women, until I sensed something fishy going on.

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我之前回答不出这个问题,然而如今从一个贩子的真实生存中我意想到健康更首要。I can hardly answer this question. I didn't realize that health is more imporant until I saw a businessman's real life.

徐晓君和她的团队意想到万豪的理念和文化需要融合当地的特色才有更大的发展。Xu and her team have realized that the Marriott concepts and culture need to be localized in order to achieve greater success.

此外,如果所有参加人员意想一致,有高速网络连接,网络会议将会表显优异。Additionally, remrmber that videoconferencing will work best if both parties are on the same kind and speed of Internet connection.