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分组作业是强制的。Sections are mandatory.

她强制她小孩进食。She force-fed her kids.

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强制这个剪辑到单声道?Force this clip to mono?

他们强制顺从。They enforce conformity.

引航是非强制的。Pilotage is not compulsory.

该属性是强制的。This property is mandatory.

这一法律直到1902年才强制实施。This law was enforced until 1902.

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不要不管人家愿不愿意强制添加关系。Don’t add relationships willy-nilly.

你是怎样看待强制退休年龄?How about compulsory retirement age?

但是它是如何干预和强制的呢?But how does it interpose and compel?

强行法是国际法强制执行的规范基础。Jus cogens are the norm basis of EIL.

自动,不闪光,强制闪光,防红眼。Auto, Red-eye reduction, Fill-In, Off.

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我猜这比“给她做强制流产”要好多了。I guess it's better than aborting her.

DHI不会进行强制调查。DHI does not conduct mandatory surveys.

并非所有这些接口都是强制的。Not all these interfaces are mandatory.

我们反对国家强制的平等。We object to a state-enforced equality.

这次减薪是强制的还是自愿的?Is this a mandatory or voluntary pay cut?

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它是强制访问控制的一种形式。It is a form of mandatory access control.

母亲总是强制我与她一起做饭。Mother always forces me to cook with her.

你是如何看待强制投票的呢?What is your opinion of mandatory voting?