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这真的是让消费者乐不思蜀。This is really for consumers reluctant to leave.

我们希望而且相信,上海会使每一位旅游者流连忘返,“乐不思蜀”,给每一位旅游者留下了美好的回忆。A nice memory of the city will linger in the heart of every tourist.

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无论喂什么鱼儿们都很配合吃的很高兴,自己也乐不思蜀。No matter what the fish are fed with eat very happy, oneself also happy-chappy.

虽然这里令人乐不思蜀,但我们不能老待在这里。"We cannot stay here forever, thought it is so delightful, " said Madame Beaumont.

然后床边有一台白色的笔记白天晚上乐不思蜀的玩着我也会很快乐。Then there is a note of white bed day and night I also play these will be very happy.

家?没有人比你更应该回家了。别乐不思蜀。我也许会很快征召你。Home?Well, no one is earned it more. Don't get too comfortable. I may call on you before long.

所以,本人极力建议大家去海外留学吧,初来咋到那会儿也许不容易,不过日子一长你就乐不思蜀啦!I thoroughly recommend studying abroad, and although it may seem tough early on, the chances are you'll have a great time.

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饭店为您奉上精美的川、滇、粤美食,令您齿颊留香,乐不思蜀。Furthermore, the hotel provides elaborate foods of Sichuan flavor, Yunnan flavor and Guangdong flavor, which are to leave you an unforgettable memory.

斯多克顿曾经遇到几个实习生,他们晚上在酒吧乐不思蜀,到了第二天早上挣扎着起床去做自我介绍。Get drunk when you're trying to impress. Stockton has encountered several interns who spend too long in the bar then struggle to get up for induction the next morning.

但新的法则给了新的关怀,如果你做新手时乐不思蜀忘记转职错过了最佳时机,没关系,教官给你保留了技能点,你可以补回来。But the new rules to a new concern, if you do not forget reluctant to leave when the new transfer missed the best time, it does not matter, your instructors to retain the skills, you can come back up.