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我喜欢科幻,话剧,和动作。I love Sci-fi, drama, and action.

我只看经典电影和话剧。I only see classic movies or plays.

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我参加过好几部高中话剧的表演。I've been in many high school plays.

今天的话剧社你为什么为什么没有来呢…You didn't give me messages for 2 days.

在学校话剧里,我从来也演不了主角。I never got the lead in the school play.

他们正在把一本小说改编成话剧。They are arranging a novel for the stage.

一部新的具轰动效应的话剧将于下星期上演。A new hit drama will be stagged next week.

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下礼拜你去看学校的话剧吗?。Are you going to the School Play next week?

音乐剧比话剧更有意思。Musicals are more interesting than opera.

我们明天下午就得去办货,梅格,圣诞夜的话剧还有许多事情要准备呐。We must go shopping tomorrow afternoon, Meg.

话剧表演结束后,所有人都起立鼓掌。After the play, everyone stood up to applaud.

曹禺的话剧是诗与戏剧的结合。Caoyu s opera is the combination of poem and drama.

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克莱儿在学校话剧中的表现比其他同学出色。Claire outshined her classmates in the school play.

有一次我在中央公园演话剧,In fact, one time, I was at a play in Central Park.

打扮的漂漂亮亮的,去听一场节日音乐会或是看一场话剧表演。Get dressed up and attend a holiday concert or play.

中国话剧的真正成熟,应从曹禺开始。The truly mature of Chinese drama begins with Caoyu.

我们过去总在星期四晚上的话剧社里聚会。We were together in the Thursday night drama society.

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我的老师不赞成我对学校话剧的想法。My teacher disapproved of my idea for the school play.

这个话剧是由两位青年作家编导的。The play was written and directed by two young writers.

这是一部很差的话剧,它是由乱七八糟的垃圾拼凑起来的。It's a bad play, it's only hoked up with a mess of wastes.