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你必须把我们偷偷带进去。You must sneak us in.

剧作家偷偷溜走了。The dramatist sneaked away.

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我们可以偷偷的溜过去。We can sneak right past them.

他偷偷溜到了厨房。He sneaked round to the kitchen.

我想偷偷望呀望一望他。I wanted to look at him secretly.

勒罗伊偷偷穿过门厅走到客厅。Leroy stole up the hall to the parlor.

我们偷偷潜回了修行中心。And so we slunk into the retreat center.

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他们可以晚上偷偷溜出来和我们碰面。They can steal away at night and join us.

做一些人们只敢私下偷偷谈论的事情。To give what people only whispered about.

如果你想在外面偷偷混进来,请不要让人知道。If you creep in, please don't let it show.

赞扬使我感到羞愧…因为我偷偷乞求它…Praise shames me, for secretly beg for it.

不然你觉得我们为什么得偷偷溜进女士厕所?Why do you think we sneak into the Ladies?

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我要偷偷溜回英格兰,上那儿偷去。To England will steal, and there I'll steal.

尚恩和阿丹偷偷溜进了棒球场中。Shawn and Dan snuck into the baseball stadium.

如果我可以偷偷小睡一会儿,就可以帮助我摆脱低效率的困扰。If I can sneak in a nap, it always helps me out.

余佑2周前偷偷飞出笼子并迷了路。He flew out of his cage and got lost 2 weeks ago.

有些老华侨甚至躲藏了数十年,偷偷谋生。Some have to hide eking out a living for decades.

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是的,我也那么认为,所以我偷偷溜了回来。Ya, I thought so, too. That's why I sneaked back.

蓝乔抿着嘴偷偷笑了。Blue Joe closed lightly a mouth to secretly smile.

昨天夜里我听见有人偷偷把牛赶跑了。I heard someone running the cattle off last night.