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还是你自己到网上扒拉出来的?Are you seeking out information online?

上帝轻柔的扒拉醒她,然后问她,“你到这疙瘩以后,一切都还好不?”The Lord gently wakes the cat and asks him, "How are things since you got here?"

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我摘了一大堆美味的树莓,当我扒拉开一丛灌木的时候,看到一具妇女的尸体躺在地上。Picking the large, tasty raspberries, I parted some bushes and saw a dead woman lying flat on the ground.

他们从这敞开的罐子里扒拉了一会儿,很快干梅就撒满了搁板,这俩“人”坐下来开始吃。After much tugging and pulling they got a large dried prune out of the jar on to the shelf and began to nibble at it.

幸运的是,定义是不必要的,因为不必借助于一个艺术定义,我们似乎没有困难就能把艺术品扒拉出来。Luckily, there was no need for a definition, since we seem to have had no difficulty in picking out the works of art without benefit of one.

爱狄起身走到房间的另一边,扒拉着那一堆钱包。“天啦,一个人到底要多少包啊?”她捏喻道。Adie walks over to the other side of the room and picks through the purses. “My god, how many bags does a person need?” she asks sarcastically.

我一边胡思乱想一边扒拉着包裹里剩下的桃花精魄,眼前忽然一亮。I chapter the entertain fatuous ideas simultaneously pick to drag to depart in pack of peach bloom Jing psyche, in the moment suddenly a bright.

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随便扒拉一篇你要发布的日志复制过来,调整颜色和大小和行间距。Taking the content of an upcoming blog post, paste in the information and adjust the colour and sizing of the text to give the appropriate hierarchy.

科学家和历史学家必须扎进实验室和图书馆去扒拉一番才有可能得到他们的工作结果,而概念分析是躺在靠背椅上就可以进行的。Scientists, historians and the like need to muck around in libraries and laboratories to achieve their results, but concepts can be analysed in the armchair.

某一天,当小鹰在土里扒拉着找种子和虫子的时候,它抬起头来看看天,又看见了那只雄伟的鸟,它伸展着那双巨大的翅膀在高空中翱翔。On another day, as he scratched in the dirt for seeds and insects, he looked up and again saw that same majestic bird as it soared high above with its huge wings outstretched against the sky.

比如腹部打开后,病灶处有遮挡,这时负责‘拉钩’的人顶上,把遮挡物扒拉到旁边去。After for instance abdomen opens " , place of focus of a disease has keep out, be in charge of ' pulling the person that hooks ' to support at this moment, push lightly keep out content to the side."